It seems that once you’ve bought into a camera mount, you’re stuck there unless you switch systems. But, in the dark realm of photography, there’s a way to cross the mysterious border between lens mounts. That’s adapting lenses – in other words, taking a lens from one system and mounting it to another.
Manual Focus Tag Archive
Introduction to Manual Focus on a Camera Lens
Manually focusing your camera lens can seem tricky. Compared to the ease of autofocus, you may wonder why you even still have manual focus as an option. It still has a number of important uses, however, and it’s a great skill to learn. In this introduction to manual focusing a...
Manual Focus or Autofocus for Landscape Photography?
Landscape photography is often slower paced than other genres, allowing for a more methodical approach to composition and camera settings. That includes focusing; manual focus is more popular for landscapes than most other genres. Indeed, there's a whole market of third-party manual focus lenses geared almost exclusively to landscape photographers....
Colorado Mountains with the Nikon 58mm f/1.2 Noct
Now that Nikon is releasing a 58mm f/0.95 Noct for their Z system, it’s worth taking a look back at their older Noct lens - the 58mm f/1.2 - if only for curiosity's sake. This is one of Nikon’s most famous lenses, especially for portraiture and nighttime photography, where its...
Nikon 50mm f/1.2 Ai-S as a Walk-Around Lens
This past week Nikon announced two new full-frame mirrorless cameras, the Z6 and Z7, as well as the development of a new flagship lens, the NIKKOR Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct. The press release carried much fanfare about the future of Nikon photography and nostalgia regarding the famous Noct-NIKKOR 58mm...