Lovely review of Jordan’s best…I’ll be visiting these areas in January, 2019…with a Nikon D850. I was thinking of taking the Nikon 20mm 1.8; Sigma 24-105; and for our Egyptian cruise, Nikon’s new 70-300mm. Your thoughts would be appreciated…
Jay Kim
February 24, 2018 9:26 am
Amazing shots and stories!!!
I am planning to visit Jordan next week and your post will serve as guiding light. BTW, do you remember any restrictions on using tripod in Petra and any other major sites?
Not at all. Only problem I had to take pictures where in the Martyrs Memorial (no pictures allowed) and close to King Hussein Mosque, because there’s some military facility there. Anywhere else is fine.
Noor Mohd
June 13, 2017 10:48 pm
It feel like we are in the same trip together. Thanks for the awesome images, stories and information.
Becky Rogers
June 8, 2017 11:51 am
Thank you so much for this. I was fortunate to live in the Middle East in the late sixties – yes that dates me. My father was an avid photographer and we traveled throughout Jordan visiting some places over and over again. I have all my father’s negatives, and while he shot in B&W many of his photographs are unique as they show the land and the people as they were some 50 years ago. I have often thought that I would like to get the negatives out then travel to Jordan and recreate some of the photographs.
September 10, 2016 10:45 am
Great pictures Nasim! Some of them prove that a good camera is not enough to take great pictures! (it helps, though ;)).
I live in Amman right now, and I would like to take photos of King Abdullah I Mosque from the above. Do you have any idea of a good place for that? I’ve some some good pics like these but can’t find the right spot.
Thanks for any tip.
November 8, 2015 11:30 pm
LUCKY YOU Nasim!!! Great place to make great photos and you have just done it! Thank you for sharing with us! However this is the link to ‘smart travellers’ showing, that Jordan is on the list of ‘HIGH DEGREE OF CAUTION’ for travellers.
Volker Sellmann
October 31, 2015 9:33 pm
Incredible stunning scenery and photos. Superb job.
Axel, whoa! That’s definitely the case! That tree is near the small canyon, not very far from the entrance. I explored it a bit, but there was not a lot to photograph there. Crazy, as the tree has been standing there for such a long time and it is still beautiful!
Thank you for your feedback Roger, I really appreciate it!
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Lovely review of Jordan’s best…I’ll be visiting these areas in January, 2019…with a Nikon D850. I was thinking of taking the Nikon 20mm 1.8; Sigma 24-105; and for our Egyptian cruise, Nikon’s new 70-300mm. Your thoughts would be appreciated…
Amazing shots and stories!!!
I am planning to visit Jordan next week and your post will serve as guiding light.
BTW, do you remember any restrictions on using tripod in Petra and any other major sites?
thanks a lot!
Not at all. Only problem I had to take pictures where in the Martyrs Memorial (no pictures allowed) and close to King Hussein Mosque, because there’s some military facility there. Anywhere else is fine.
It feel like we are in the same trip together. Thanks for the awesome images, stories and information.
Thank you so much for this. I was fortunate to live in the Middle East in the late sixties – yes that dates me. My father was an avid photographer and we traveled throughout Jordan visiting some places over and over again. I have all my father’s negatives, and while he shot in B&W many of his photographs are unique as they show the land and the people as they were some 50 years ago. I have often thought that I would like to get the negatives out then travel to Jordan and recreate some of the photographs.
Great pictures Nasim! Some of them prove that a good camera is not enough to take great pictures! (it helps, though ;)).
I live in Amman right now, and I would like to take photos of King Abdullah I Mosque from the above. Do you have any idea of a good place for that? I’ve some some good pics like these but can’t find the right spot.
Thanks for any tip.
LUCKY YOU Nasim!!! Great place to make great photos and you have just done it! Thank you for sharing with us! However this is the link to ‘smart travellers’ showing, that Jordan is on the list of ‘HIGH DEGREE OF CAUTION’ for travellers.
Incredible stunning scenery and photos. Superb job.
Thank you Volker, I really appreciate your kind words!
Another masterpiece of a travel photo essay! Your photos are spectacular! Bravo!
– Rick
Thank you Rick, I really appreciate your feedback.
Nasim, the tree on the last wadi rum picture – seems to be the same tree i shoot 1987!:…/wadi-rum/
Axel, whoa! That’s definitely the case! That tree is near the small canyon, not very far from the entrance. I explored it a bit, but there was not a lot to photograph there. Crazy, as the tree has been standing there for such a long time and it is still beautiful!
Crazy – this little tree is still alive – but the huge monument of Palmyra (Syria) which i visited on the same journey is now destroyed forever.
Axel, when you have a small group of idiot bandits thinking they could own the world, that’s what happens unfortunately…
Most people in the Middle East look at ISIS as a plague and in fact, Jordan participated in a joint effort to bombard them.
Outstanding photography of a unique area! I was awestruck!
Thank you for your feedback Roger, I really appreciate it!