Everywhere in the world, across the course of a year, the sun will be below the horizon just about 50% of the time. Although it can take a while for sunset to fade away completely, it’s safe to say that we spend a huge portion of our lives under dark skies. Normally, nighttime isn’t something that people equate with being awake, of course, but landscape photographers are strange people. In fact, moonlight and the Milky Way can lead to some of the best photos you’ll take, and they are well worth exploring with your camera. In this article, I’ll go through the characteristics that make some lenses better than others for star and nighttime landscape photography.
Table of Contents
1) Criteria
More than almost any other type of equipment, a lens for nighttime landscape photography has to fulfill a wide range of difficult requirements. Here’s what the best of these lenses have:
- A large aperture: At night, you’re fighting for every photon. A large aperture lets more light onto your camera sensor.
- A wide focal length: As the Earth spins, the stars in your photo begin to blur across the sky. When you use a wide focal length, though, they don’t appear to move as much. So, with a wide angle lens, you can use longer shutter speeds and let more light onto your camera sensor. (If you are intentionally trying to capture star trails, though, a wider focal length isn’t necessary — in fact, you may prefer a longer focal length, since you’ll see blur more quickly.)
- High sharpness: For night photography, pay special attention to the corners of an image, since you’ll be shooting at wide apertures, where most lenses are significantly less sharp.
- Low coma: Some lenses cause bright pinpoints of light, like stars, to smear when they are at the corners of your frame. Good lenses have less coma.
- Low vignetting: If the corners of your photo are excessively dark, you’ll need to brighten them in post-production, which adds a lot of noise/grain.
Typically, the most important features of a nighttime photography lens are its maximum aperture and widest focal length. Why do these matter so much? Simple: they affect the amount of light that reaches your camera sensor.

2) The 500 Rule
Before we dive deeper, let’s cover something known as the 500 rule. This rule says that — in order to avoid blurry stars — the longest shutter speed you can use is equal to 500 divided by your focal length.
For example, if your focal length is 20mm, the 500 rule says that you can use a shutter speed of 500/20, or 25 seconds. Here’s a quick chart of the longest shutter speeds you can use at night for a given lens. (The numbers below are full-frame equivalents. If you have, for example, an 18mm lens on a 1.5x crop-sensor camera, you’ll need to look at 28mm on this chart):
- 11mm: 45.5 seconds
- 12mm: 41.7 seconds
- 14mm: 35.7 seconds
- 16mm: 31.3 seconds
- 18mm: 27.8 seconds
- 20mm: 25 seconds
- 24mm: 20.8 seconds
- 28mm: 17.9 seconds
- 35mm: 14.3 seconds
- 50mm: 10 seconds
- 85mm: 5.9 seconds
The 500 rule used to be called the 600 rule, and now I’m starting to hear some people call it the 400 rule. The numbers keep changing because new cameras have more and more pixels, which means that they can detect smaller and smaller star movements. The chart above is a good guide, but you’ll want to test your own camera to confirm that there isn’t too much movement, particularly if you have a recent camera with an extremely high megapixel count (more than 36).

3) Combining Aperture and Focal Length
Quick, which one is better for star photography — a 14mm f/2.8 lens, or a 24mm f/1.8 lens?
The 500 rule favors the 14mm, but the 24mm has a wider aperture. To calculate which one actually lets in more light, you’d need to see if the wide aperture of the 24mm offsets the longer exposure of the 14mm.
Things get even more complicated when you start using lenses on cameras with different sensor sizes. Which is better at night — a 7mm f/2.8 lens on a micro four-thirds camera, or a 24mm f/4 lens on a full-frame camera?
I’ve always found these questions time-consuming, so I made a chart that rates lenses for their nighttime photography potential. This chart has gone through many different versions, but I ultimately decided that the best way to arrange it is based upon the ISO that gives your photos an acceptable brightness at night. (Obviously, a lower ISO is better, since your final photo isn’t as noisy.)
For example, with a 20mm lens — a 25 second exposure by the 500 rule — at f/2.0 on a full-frame camera, what ISO do you need in order to capture a photo that is bright enough? ISO 2563 (rounded to ISO 2500, which your camera allows you to set), according to the chart below. I also bolded and underlined some popular lenses that people use for nighttime photography, so you can see how they compare to one another:
Important note: As you might have been wondering, this “proper brightness” exposure will not actually be accurate in every case, depending upon the conditions that you encounter. At certain times of night, and under different moon conditions, I have used everything from ISO 200 to ISO 6400 successfully, even with the same aperture and shutter speed settings. The values above are calibrated for the brightest portions of the Milky Way under a clear, moonless night without light pollution, and a lens that doesn’t have any vignetting — pretty ideal conditions. In other words, this is a score that helps you compare lenses, and not necessarily a recommendation for your ISO setting in the field, unless you are shooting under ideal conditions.
A few other points to mention:
- Obviously, round these values. Your camera doesn’t let you pick an ISO value of 2965, for example, so just round up to 3200.
- This chart is designed for a full-frame camera, but you can still use it with a crop-sensor camera — just pay careful attention to the values you pick. On one hand, if you’re trying to figure out which ISO to use (which, as mentioned above, isn’t necessarily recommended), just multiply your lens’s focal length by the crop factor, and you’re good to go. For example, with the Olympus 8mm f/1.8 lens on a micro four-thirds camera (2x crop), the proper ISO is at the intersection of 16mm and f/1.8. Here, that’s ISO 1691, or ISO 1600.
- However, if you are trying to compare the nighttime quality of lenses across sensor sizes, the process is different. Multiply both your focal length and your aperture by the crop factor to find your “full-frame equivalent” ISO performance. This lets you compare lenses across different sensor sizes to see which one is best for nighttime photography. In this case, the Olympus 8mm f/1.8 at ISO 1600 has the same nighttime photography “score” as a 16mm f/3.6 lens would on a full-frame camera. In this case, that’s ISO 6356.
- Looking at this score, the Olympus 8mm f/1.8 would outperform a 16-35mm f/4 lens on a full-frame camera, since the 16-35mm f/4 “scores” an 8160. However, it would lose to a 16-35mm f/2.8 lens on a full-frame camera, which “scores” ISO 4080. Pretty easy!
(If anyone wants the formulas that I used to create the chart above, they’re messy, but I can take photos and add them to the comments section below. Essentially, all I did was look at a good exposure under ideal conditions — 20 seconds, f/2.0, ISO 3200 — and then calculate ISO values that give exactly the same brightness, just with different aperture and focal length (shutter speed) inputs.)

This is close to the ideal exposure, but it was a bit too dark out-of-camera, and my lens has some vignetting. Ultimately, I had to brighten this photo slightly in post-production. Ideally, my settings here would have been 25 seconds, f/1.8, ISO 2000 (or ISO 2500). Although this photo still turned out fine, I could have used a lower ISO — and done less brightening in Lightroom — if I had exposed more carefully.
4) Depth of Field at Night
You wouldn’t know it from the charts above, but a 14-24mm f/2.8 lens is significantly better than a 50mm f/1.4 for nighttime photography. (According to the charts, the 50mm wins out, since it allows an ISO of 3200; the 14-24 requires an ISO of 3576.)
Why is the 14-24mm f/2.8 better? Simple: depth of field.
Wide angles have more depth of field than any other lens. A 14mm f/2.8 is almost perfect here — it can capture the entire landscape in focus, from 1.2 meters to the stars. By comparison, the 50mm f/1.4 only renders a sharp image from 30 meters on.
(Technical side note that you can skip: How did I get these numbers? It all boils down to this: every object in your photo has — at least — a slight blur to it, both from diffraction and from missed focus. Traditionally, when the size of that blur was larger than 30 micrometers on your camera sensor or film, it was said to be “out of focus.” I find that this definition isn’t good enough for today’s cameras, where a 30 micrometer blur can be very noticeable. However, for nighttime photography, you’ll have to relax your standards a bit. In this case, the old 30 micrometer definition actually works fine, so I was able to use an ordinary online depth of field calculator to find the values above.)
Even with an ultra-wide angle lens, though, you’ll still have problems getting everything in focus at night. Physics is simply working against you. If you’ve tried everything else, consider moving backwards as much as possible — place the foreground farther away from your lens. Of course, that isn’t always feasible, and, for the closest foregrounds, it still doesn’t help enough. Sometimes, I’ll even stop down slightly (and then raise my ISO) if it’s a particularly difficult landscape.
Ultimately, you may have no choice but to focus stack your images. Take a series of photos at different focusing distances, then combine them together in post-production. At night, though, this is very difficult and time-consuming, and I strongly recommend against it unless you have no other choice.

5) Conclusion
Nighttime photography is one of the most demanding ways to use your equipment, and not all lenses are up to the task.
Along with the expected image quality difficulties (sharpness, vignetting, and coma), you have to find a way to work with as little light as possible to create your images. The only tools at your disposal — shutter speed and aperture — will be pushed to the breaking point.
The chart above gives you a good idea of the ISO you’ll need for your setup, but that isn’t the only that information that matters. You should also pay attention to depth of field; at night, there won’t be much.
Clearly, nighttime landscape photography is a tricky job. However, it’s also well worth the effort. The first time you bring back a good photo of the Milky Way or a starry sky, you’ll be hooked — I know I was. And, although the lenses you use certainly matter, they aren’t everything. The hardest part is just staying out at night in the first place. When you do, good images will follow.
Thank you for this fantastic article, Spencer. I’m a beginner and I need to learn many things. Regarding this article I think to have understood the main issues, but I have a doubt regarding “….14mm. f2,8 can capture the entire landscape in focus, from 1,2 meters to the stars…”. Is that true with focusing to infinity or focusing with double distance method? Excuse me for the banal question and above all for my poor english
Great question! The value of double the distance focusing is that it renders the foreground and background equal in sharpness, no matter your aperture. (You then choose your aperture to maximize that sharpness to be as high as possible.)
Normally, that’s ideal, but at night it is more important to capture sharp stars, even at the expense of a blurry foreground.
Instead, to get that particular number (1.2 meters), I used the old fashioned definition of an acceptably sharp photo – 30 microns of blur – since you’ll need to loosen your standards for nighttime photography. I then used an ordinary online depth of field calculator to determine how much depth of field I get with the inputs of 14mm, f/2.8, and 30 microns for the “circle of confusion” value.
I touched on this briefly in the article above, although I didn’t go in depth. Take a look at the technical side note under the “depth of field” section.
I hope this helps!
Many thanks. I’ll go in depth (in this case opening my mind aperture, not closing) reading all other articles regarding depth of field.
Great Article. Lots of physics and quality stuff.
I am reading seemingly contradictory information and not knowing what to make of it.
On one hand, this article states:
Typically, the most important features of a nighttime photography lens are its maximum aperture and widest focal length. Why do these matter so much? Simple: they affect the amount of light that reaches your camera sensor.
On the other hand, is another article, linked below, that states:
… The real story in nightscape system performance is the lens: larger clear aperture lenses collect more light. Astronomers have known this for centuries; that is why they build large telescopes: to gather more light. … Consider a 20 mm f/2.8 lens. The clear aperture is only 20/2.8 = 7.14 mm in diameter. Now consider a 50 mm f/2.8 lens, which has a clear aperture of 50/2.8 = 17.86 mm. The 50 mm f/2.8 lens collects 6.25 times as much light as the 20 mm f/2.8 lens [http://www.clarkvision.com/articles/nightscapes/]
Perhaps, someone can explain this apparent discrepancy regarding the affect of focal length on night photography? Is one author accounting for the variable of depth of field while the other is not? Thank you.
That is all true, no discrepancy. The challenge for us photographers is shooting sharp stars without earth’s rotation causing the stars to trail, unless you have a polar-aligned tracker. A longer focal length with the same aperture is indeed going to gather more light, but it’s also going to magnify the subject and movement, where wider focal lengths allow for longer shutter speeds and still maintain sharp stars. If you have a tracker, none of this matters, until you get into long enough focal lengths or exposures where the tracking needs to be a lot more critical (longer than 50mm focal length or 4 minutes for shutter speed as examples). Guided trackers are capable of longer shutter speeds and focal lengths, but unguided ones have limitations. Hope that helps!
I’ve shot northern lights, meteorite showers & Milky Way in all seasons for the last 4 years, with a D600, Rokinon 14mm/2.8 & 24mm/1.4. Shot some short time lapse as well, using both these lenses. Focusing can be difficult on the 14mm. I use Live View mostly & tape the lens. I do use the Sharpstar on the 24mm with good effect. In cold weather (I’ve shot outside at -20 C for hours with all this equipment without issue), this camera & these lenses performed just fine, with the use of Hot Hands & a light hoody draped over the camera & lens to shield them from wind.
For “slower” less active northern light displays the 14mm is great & covers a lot of sky @ ISO 1600 or so & 15-20 seconds, but when northern lights become more active this lens tends to blur out due to longer shutter intervals (unless you are directly under the display, which where I live is rare but impressive). I then go to the 24mm, ISO 800-1000 @ 4-6 seconds. More detailed shots of light using this lens. I’ve also purchased the Rokinon 12mm/2.8 for a truly “Big Sky” experience & some pretty interesting night shots.
I now have a D810 & Nikon 14-24mm/2.8 to play with & am looking forward to a clear night (and warmer than we’ve had) & some northern lights displays or time lapse Milky Way. The 14-24 is an amazingly sharp lens.
I appreciate the useful information here. I am always looking for info like this.
One area that I have struggled in is finding good techniques for editing night-sky images in Lightroom and Photoshop. If you have a pointer to anything like that, I would appreciate it.
How can we translate these into mobile phone cameras. Any thoughts on them. How to know what is the focal length of my camera phone.
Most mobile phones won’t make a good night photography lens simply because of the sensor size and poor low light performance at high ISOs. Lightroom, Camera RAW, Bridge, and lots of apps will tell you the focal length of your phone though. 4.15mm f/2.2 for an iPhone 6 for example.
Notice that you use a Nikon D800e. I have a D800e and a D810 – I know this is kind of heretical, but I actually prefer the 800e. I realize that ‘s a subjective thing but there you go. Equipment manufacturers have a vested interest in selling their latest gear but sometimes the hype surrounding the latest and best is just that – hype. I also use a Tokina 16-28 which cost me $500 second hand. It’s brilliant. I’ve read the review of Nasim where it’s handily outperformed wide open but mine is usually stopped down as far as it will go and I find it to be incredibly sharp.
enjoyed the article
AVAST scanner reported and blocked malware from “amarketplaceofideas.com” which was trying to send along an ad I suppose. Happened a three minutes or so into my reading the article.
Thank you so much for this.
I’ve been through the “stumbling” stages of night photography in 2016, just guessing and getting a lot of good shots based on years of knowledge.
This process led me to recently begin the effort to figure out the information you have already done and shown here.
Again, thank you!
You’ve saved me a lot of head scratching and hours of work.
This chart is exactly what I needed, though I did not know it yet.
Nice article, Spencer.
“…There aren’t many lenses that render beautiful stars at f/2.0 to f/2.8…”
A few years ago I purchased the Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 85mm f/1.8G to use as a portrait lens. I also tested it as an astrophotography lens for deep space objects (DSO) and comets. I was very impressed with how well it rendered stars from center to corners even at f/1.8. It doesn’t get used as a nighttime landscape lens because it’s FOV is too small but for DSO/Comet it’s great.
“…Quick, which one is better for star photography — a 14mm f/2.8 lens, or a 24mm f/1.8 lens?…”
For a detailed answer on which of these lenses might be better, check our Roger Clark’s pages. Here he talks about Clear Aperture which is a function of the aperture area and f ratio:
I recommend his pages to anyone who is serious about their night sky photography. It can be a bit mathematical and dense at times but the reward is worth it.