PL Chronicles: Nasim and Spencer

Now that we’ve started posting frequently on our YouTube channel, one overdue video is simply an introduction: who we are (Nasim Mansurov and Spencer Cox), and how we came to be running Photography Life. If you’ve ever wanted to know how we got started and who’s behind the articles you read – sit down, grab a coffee, and take a look:

And as we (fail to adequately) explain later in the video, YouTube doesn’t actually notify most subscribers of new videos unless you click the bell icon next to the subscribe button. You can find it at the top of the screen or under any video. For those of you who are subscribers, but have not been receiving notifications properly, just go to any of our videos on and you’ll see it:

It seems like many Photography Life readers have already subscribed to our channel, but if you haven’t yet, you can do so here.

Thanks for watching! If you have any questions about what it’s like to run a site like this, let us know below or in the comments section on YouTube.

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