Live Youtube Q&A with PL

Today we’ll be doing a live Q&A / AMA (ask me anything) on our Youtube channel at 9 PM Eastern / 6 PM Pacific. Nasim and I will both be there to take questions for about an hour.

Update: The livestream is over, thanks to everyone for participating! Below is the video of the livestream:

If there’s anything you’ve wanted to ask us about photography, running a website, making videos, or anything else, now’s your chance! We’ll be recording and uploading the Q&A when we finish, so if you can’t watch it on time, you can still do so after the fact.

In the meantime, start brainstorming questions. We’ll try to answer as many as possible, but we may not get to all of them in the hour. We likely will do more Q&As like this in the future, though, so you’ll have more chances later if we don’t get to your question.

If you want to subscribe to our channel to receive updates and notifications when we post videos like this, you can do so here. Note – you also need to click the “bell” icon below any of our videos, or Youtube is unlikely to send out the notification properly:

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