How to Light Macro Photos

Last week, I took some macro photos and videos at Pelican Island Wildlife Refuge in Florida, one of my favorite places in the world for close-up photography. In the video I filmed, I’ve explained in detail how to master lighting in macro photography.

Now that I live in Colorado, I’ve been doing much more landscape photography than macro, so it was wonderful to go back to the genre I started with. It turns out, as difficult as taking close-up photos can be, close-up video is even harder. Constantly maintaining focus and a good composition isn’t easy at all. Something to work on! Though I got pretty lucky with some of the shots in the video – lots of bug and lizard movement to be found last week.

Anyway, the full video is below! Let me know if you have any questions or feedback, either in the comments section on this article or below the video on Youtube:

Because I’m traveling off and on for the next month, I’m planning to publish next week’s video on Monday rather than Friday (and perhaps the same for the next few weeks). 

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Thanks for watching!

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