ISO Performance at low ISOs (ISO 100-800)
A quick note on the presented crops and comparisons: I have tried using the latest beta of Adobe DNG converter to compare images and the results were inconsistent and inconclusive, especially when comparing to other DSLRs like Nikon D810 and Df. Capture NX-D yielded much more accurate and realistic results in comparison, which is why I utilized the latest version of Capture NX-D (1.0.3) for converting Nikon’s RAW / NEF files. Until Adobe fixes its RAW converter, I do not recommend using ACR / Lightroom for anything above ISO 3200.
Let’s take a look at how the D750 performs at low ISOs. Here are some crops at ISO 100, 200, 400, and 800:

High ISO Performance (ISO 1600-51200)
High ISO performance is a very important measure of DSLR sensor quality for low-light photography. Here is how the Nikon D750 performs at high ISO levels between ISO 1600 and 51200:

ISO Performance Summary
The Nikon D750 yields very impressive results at different ISO levels. Noise is practically non-existent from ISO 100 to 1600 and we only see traces of noise start to appear at ISO 3200 and above. I personally would not hesitate to use the camera up to ISO 6400 and sometimes even push it higher when publishing it for the web. Once down-sampled, the D750 can produce stunning results and its dynamic range seems to hold up quite well at higher ISOs as well.
It is hard to judge the performance of the Nikon D750 without a direct comparison to other cameras, which is why you should definitely check out the comparisons on the next page as well.

Please note that the camera comparisons are only based on image quality. Also note that for comparisons with cameras like Nikon Df, the D750 images were down-sampled to match the lower resolution (16 MP).
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