Selenkay Conservancy


Photo Spot Summary

Country: Kenya

Category: Other

City: Ol Tukai

GPS Latitude: -2.652700

GPS Longitude: 37.260578


Fly into Nairobi's Jomo Kenyata Interenational Airport. Get a connection flight out of Wilson airport straight into the conservancy. Ideally book in advance through are outed (There are all kinds!) tour operator. We use Gamewatchers Safaris. You could also drive from Nairobi if you don't mind the additional time and traffic involved.

Photo Spot Details

Selenkay conservancy is part of the Amboseli eco system though not part of the national park. We stay at the conservancy and choose to do day trips to the park. Since its a continuous ecosystem, animals move freely between the conservancy and park. Apart from the beautiful wildlife, the conservancy offers visits to the local village. Our trip left us feeling awed by the colour and beauty and humbled by the sheer happiness emanating from the Maasai who welcomed us into their homes while sharing a bit of their lifestyles and daily routine…





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