Photo Spot Summary
Country: France
Category: Travel
City: Nice
GPS Latitude: 43.694504
GPS Longitude: 7.260837
There are couple of ways to get to Nice. One way is by getting there by plane on Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport. If you want to get there by train Nice is connected to the rest of France via the SNCF train network. A direct TGV train from Paris to Nice takes about 6 hours. There are also ferrys directly connected to Nice from Ajaccio (Corsica), Bastia (Corsica), Calvi and Ile Rousse.
Photo Spot Details
Nice is a city located on the south coast of France on the Mediterranean Sea, and it is the second-largest French city on the mediterian coast after Marseille. Nice is as the name suggests quite a nice place to be in. The Mediterranean climate and beautiful nature and architecture made Nice a very popular tourist place. One place is particulary interesting is the Walkway along the sea called Promenade des Anglaisl. This is quite a popular place for tourist and even more for the locals. You can see all generations of Nice citizens walking here or resting. One more place that is also worth seeing here is at the end of the Walkway and it is the vantage poing from which you can see the whole walkway and the beach.
1. This is very interesting place for street photography.
2. Make sure that you visit the vantage point. The view is apsolutely worth the steep climb.