Deal beach

Deal Beach

Photo Spot Summary

Country: United Kingdom

Category: Landscape

City: Deal

GPS Latitude: 51.223289

GPS Longitude: 1.404437


This is a beautiful country side which lies in the south eastern part of UK. To get to this place from London, we took the south-eastern train from St.Pancras international which heads towards Ramsgate. (Approx. 9 stops from London) It takes around 1 hour to reach Deal, and the train journey unlike the tubes has a lot of scenic places. After you get down at Deal, there is a ten minute walk towards the beach.

Photo Spot Details

This is a long pebble beach which is an interesting spot for a stroll with your loved ones. It’s a calm place with a friendly neighborhood. Do not miss to try out the home made sea food restaurants around. Further along the beach road, you can find the Tudor rose shaped Deal castle, the aerial view is fantastic. It rains quiet often so carry a trench coat if possible. Sun sets are the ideal time, but the stormy clouds added more drama to the picture.

About Joe Winifred


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