Photo Spot Summary
Country: Australia
Category: Waterscape
City: Hillarys
GPS Latitude: -31.826820
GPS Longitude: 115.737831
At the Hillarys marina if you follow the road on the southern side all the way around the break water at the very end you will find the AQWA building at the very end.
Photo Spot Details
This is a great spot for us land lubbers to see the world out in the sea. As i spent my child hood in the tropics with the same fish its a most interesting place brings back a lot of very good memories. In most case this is the only way i can see the fish these days and some of the others we have in WA waters. The main tank is a huge walk in and you are in a glass dome as the fish swim about you. You are not allowed to use a flash this will test you and the camera out big time.

This is a place where a fast lens is of great value and if you shoot in “A , S Or M” in other words you run the camera this is the places that will test you out. Auto setting just may not work at all i even had to rescure one Nikon shooter as the camera was not set up correctly at all. I used the 50mm F1.8 and the 16-35mm F4 VR as i was not planning to come here i did not have the monopod but i would recommend it. This is a very busy place on the weekend or school holidays so you will have to be patient or you can choose the midweek option.