I am pleased to announce the third week of our photo photography theme challenge and Raw editing challenge.
The challenges come every Friday, and you have until Wednesday to submit your results in the official threads on our forum. We were very pleased to receive 67 submissions in total for last week! Before we get into displaying some of the results, let’s take a peak at this week’s challenge.
Week 3 Photography Theme Challenge
This week’s challenge is eyes. It could be a photo showing human eyes, animal eyes, or even something metaphorical.
Do you want to submit a photo for this theme? Submit it in this thread.
Week 3 Raw Editing Challenge
For this challenge, download the following Raw file and edit it to your taste. Any type of processing is accepted, from conventional edits to something more unusual!

Original Raw File
Done editing? Submit your edit in this thread.
Week 2’s Results
We really liked going through the submissions for last week’s challenge “red”. Thank you to everyone who participated! You can check out the submissions for the Week #2 theme challenge and the Week #2 Raw editing challenge in the forums.
It was difficult to choose some photos to display here since there were so many interesting interpretations of the theme. Zlati_zar’s photo, however, really caught my eye.
These are the gates at Fushimi Inari-taisha in Japan. Even though this is a popular touristic spot, I thought Zlati’s photo stood out, because of the elegant lighting and clean look. Well done!
Tinkerer‘s photo of a dilapidated wall also really screamed “red”:
I love the textures here and how even the meter is painted red! The white wheel on the side nicely breaks the monotony of the red pattern as well. Finally, I’d like to point out the submission by GreigsPhotoWorks, which isn’t so dominated by red but still does well to emphasize the color:
When it came to the Raw editing challenge, one submission that stood out was Ineluki’s.
What stood out to me was the emphasized roughness on the man’s face and overall definition, which goes well with the black and white treatment.
That about wraps it up for Week #2, and thank you to everyone for participating!. Even though I could not post every shot, it was very fun to look through every single one, and I look forward to looking through the submissions for Week #3!
Looks like fun.
I’m really enjoying these challenges, even though I haven’t had the time yet to contribute. (moving houses soon…)
For this week’s challenge I’d try something I never do on my own images: ‘raise’ the foreground + monastery till about half-way up the scene, and then crop to a 65:24 panorama. Thereby reducing the IMO less interesting middle part and emphasizing the glorious distant mountain ridges + sky. The foreground might have to be deformed a bit to give it more of a side-on appearance, but in my mind’s eye this could work. If someone wants to have a go, I’d be very interested to see the result ;-)
The Forums are still quite broken. When you finally see the login/register buttons, most of the times you get a message of page is blocked “err_blocked_by_response”.
Sorry in a hurry I misplaced the “Raw” editing picture in the “Eye” theme thread and seen it too late to delete it… if someone can do, it’s here : photographylife.com/forum/postid/1947
I believe Jason already took care of the post. Great edit by the way, I really like how you made the foreground subject stand out from the rest of the scene.
Thank you Nasim, for both your answer and compliment :D
I did nothing for the foreground, it seems C1 has some magic with global settings ;)…
I only did a local adjustment of sky because I found it strange with saturation.
In fact, my wrong post is still here. It seems the “short link” does not work as expected.
Here is the long link that seems to work : photographylife.com/forum…#post-1947