Whether you’re looking to upgrade your camera or switch systems altogether, getting the most value out of your used equipment can be tricky. I recently completed a pretty significant sale of gear, and actually ended up selling via each major method - used equipment retailers, online forums, eBay, and in-person...
Neutral Density Filters in Photography, Explained
As, photographers we often struggle with a lack of light, necessitating uncomfortably high ISOs or dangerously long shutter speeds. But there are occasions with the opposite problem: too much light. In these moments, neutral density filters are invaluable. What Are Neutral Density Filters? Neutral density (ND) filters are simply dark...
Why My Birds Aren’t Doing Anything
Over the years, I've received some criticism on my photography, and I think that's a good thing. I've appreciated all of it, because on the whole it has made me a better photographer. After all, I have so many blind spots where I just don't see problems. But there is...
Photography News: New Leica Camera, Shimoda Backpack Sale
It’s the end of September, which means it’s the perfect time to head out and photograph the deer rut, now in full swing. But if the idea of misty, chilly mornings in temperate forests doesn’t appeal to you, hop on a plane to the tropics. I’ve chosen one tropical animal...
Nikon Z6 III Initial Review
The Nikon Z6 III is a full-frame, 24 megapixel mirrorless camera with fast autofocus and high-speed features. I’ve now shot with the Nikon Z6 III for several weeks, and I’m ready to give my initial review of this interesting camera.
Tamron Announces 90mm f/2.8 Macro for Nikon Z and Sony E
There are already plenty of outstanding macro lenses for both the Nikon Z mount and the Sony E mount. Well, Tamron has just announced a new contribution, the Tamron 90mm F/2.8 Di III MACRO VXD, Model F072. This is a nice upgrade to the older Tamron 90mm f/2.8 versions for...
Canon RF 50mm f/1.2 L USM Review
We’ve fully updated our review of the Canon RF 50mm f/1.2 L to include lab tests of distortion, vignetting, chromatic aberration, and sharpness. How does this high-end prime perform? Read on to find out!
Pre-Release Capture Explained: Photographing the Past
A toucan peers out of its nest and seems ready to take flight at any moment. I wait eagerly in the hide, my finger on the shutter button, determined not to miss the moment when it flies out and spreads its wings. Cut to an hour later. I blink, I...
Photography News: Rumored DSLR Flagship, Last F-mount Exotics on Sale
Do you know what a significant event took place on September 16, 1824? On that day, two important events took place in France: King Louis XVIII of France died, and photography was born. With all due respect to the French king, I consider the second event to be more important...
The Quest for 5000 Birds
About four years ago, I came up with a simple goal: photograph 5000 species of birds. How did I even think of such a plan? It all began with two questions: What is that bird over there? How is that bird related to the others? Soon, I started keeping track...