One of our readers recently asked me to provide my settings from the Nikon D600 / D610 cameras that I use for my photography needs. While at first I thought that it was an odd request, it got me into thinking that many photographers probably get lost trying to dig...
Shooting with Natural Light
People often ask me about my post-processing when they look over my photography. To be honest, the post-process I've developed has been a combination of small tutorials I've taken over the years from artists I respect. I've since developed my own style from these tools, but the most important part...
Nikon 35mm f/1.8G Sample Images
I have been playing with the new Nikon NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G ED FX lens for a week now and have taken it out a few times when the weather got a little better (it has been snowy and extremely windy during the past week here in Colorado). So far the...
Open and Closed Composition: Assignment Discussion
A few months ago, I started the Mastering Composition series of articles. The goal of these articles was not only to give some useful composition tips for beginners, but to also engage our readers with small assignments. The assignment given to you in the first article of the series has...
NIKKOR 800mm f/5.6E Sample Shots – Field Test
I thought I would post this short and sweet article with my experiences so far with the new Nikon 800mm f5.6 Lens. This lens is just an engineering marvel, but then that is not the purpose of this short article. I mainly just wanted to share my experience with it...
Check your Composition with Lightroom
As I was working on the "Composition in Photography: Assignment Discussion" article and upcoming Lightroom Crop Tool article last night, I came across a feature in Lightroom that I had not previously used. I love it when that happens. Realizing that the software tool I enjoy using and find to...
Using Nikon DX Lenses on FX Cameras
Because the glass elements in a camera lens are round, lenses project a circular image onto a camera’s sensor plane. This projected image circle must be large enough to cover the rectangular sensor, like so: Lenses designed for Nikon DX generally project a smaller image circle because they only need...
How to Organize Photos in Lightroom
Lightroom has become a very essential part of the workflow process for many photographers, including myself. While one could argue that Lightroom isn't an ideal tool for image culling, it is certainly an excellent choice for efficient photo organization. Every image that's imported into Lightroom gets its metadata extracted and...
How To Live Forever (.com)
Throughout history, man has sought immortality, whether by the elusive Fountain of Youth, religion, the cloning process, cryogenics, and many other means too numerous to mention. is a new business seeking to ensure that you can indeed live forever – at least the digital aspect of your persona. A...
Nikon 1 V2 at the Auto Show
Having shot well over 10,000 frames since I got my Nikon 1 V2 in late August 2013, I thought it would be interesting to test this little mirror-less camera and two of its most popular kit lenses under some very difficult shooting conditions. So, I headed off to the International...