In this article, I will share my recent experience of switching from a Macbook Pro running Lightroom 6, to a 12.9" iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil, running Lightroom CC - and how this new setup has changed my photography workflow. I will discuss in detail my basic workflow, as...
How and Why to Use the Lightroom Metadata Panel
When searching through my photo library for a class I was teaching recently, I found myself turning to Adobe Lightroom’s metadata filter regularly to help me find the examples I needed. But what I discovered was a lot more useful to my own photography than just sample images for a...
How Photography Inspired Me to Love Science and Preserve the Planet
Science has a way of making heads turn away. The more complex it gets, the more abstract it becomes. And if you’re not constantly putting effort into working out the fine intricacies of it all, you might just get too overwhelmed to commit any interest to it. Science communication has...
The Rise and Rise of Smartphone Photography
Smartphones have come a long way. Over the last few years, the improvements made in smartphone photography have been huge, culminating in the powerhouses on the market toda,y such as the Google Pixel 2, the iPhone X, and the Samsung Galaxy S9. My current handset, the Samsung S7 Edge, can...
Commuting with a Camera
I suspect that a lot of landscape and cityscape photographers, like myself, are not always able to devote the time necessary to wait for atmospheric conditions and astral bodies to be in that “ideal” position for the image you have in mind. Some of the early landscape masters were known...
My Hard-Won Photography Lessons
The old axiom that we should learn from our mistakes is sound, although sometimes those lessons can be a bit on the painful side. As a 15-year-old, freshman high school student in 1960 I was excited to work as a photographer on the school yearbook. Assigned the task of developing...
Learning to Self-Critique Your Images
I’d like you to join me on a journey of learning to see and take better pictures. That is, learning to view our images critically before any one else sees them. Early in my journey, I was intrigued by a signature from a photography forum: “Please harshly critique my photos!...
The Importance of Creativity in Photography
In my previous article for Photography Life, I wrote an article about stage photography, where I discussed some of the modus operandi I use to take professional stage photographs. That article was a lot more straightforward, technical, and objective than the one below. That’s because I’m hoping to explore the...
Reverse Lens Technique for Macro Photography
There aren’t a lot of things which will still work when used the wrong way ‘round. Airplanes, cutlery, and shoes, for example, all have a preferred direction of use; turning them around, and using them in reverse seldom turns out well. Photographic lenses, or at least some of them, are...
When Exotic Nature Photography Isn’t An Option
Viewing incredible images of wildlife captured in exotic locations can be an engrossing experience for many of us. Imagining oneself being able to travel to some of these far-off destinations and taking part in a wildlife photo safari is the dream of many photographers. For many folks exotic nature photography...