You are probably familiar with the Exposing to the Right (ETTR) technique, where an image is intentionally captured as bright as possible in order to maximize the potential of a digital camera sensor. I recently came across some forum posts and articles on other resources that talk about Exposing to...
The Crash and The Resurrection
The wind was finally dying down as Bill Ellzey and I prepared to hike off into the cap-rock formations surrounding our camp. We both had objectives that might allow amazing shadow and light patterns during the sunset hour. Though good friends, we each had our own agenda. (more…)
Death Valley and Jordan Workshops – Spots Available
Due to last minute cancellations, my upcoming November 19-24, 2019 and January of 14-19, 2020 Death Valley workshops have a couple of spots available. If you would like a more exotic location, the Dubai - Jordan workshop in March of 2020 is also around the corner and we are about...
Panasonic S1R Review
The Panasonic S1R, announced in February of 2019 alongside the Panasonic S1, is one of the newest full-frame mirrorless cameras on the market today. It’s a bit of a quirky camera, but its specifications are no joke: 47 megapixels, 9 FPS, 4K 60p video… and $3700, body only.
Canon RF 85mm f/1.2 DS and RF 70-200mm f/2.8 Announcements
Today, Canon officially announced two lenses we knew were coming: the RF 85mm f/1.2 DS and RF 70-200mm f/2.8 mirrorless lenses. The 85mm ships in early December for $3000, while the 70-200mm ships in late November for $2700.
Fuji X-Pro3 Announcement – A Street Photographer’s Ultimate Camera or Just Another Gimmick?
Fuji's "Pro" line of X-series cameras always stood out in its own way. It is the only rangefinder style Fuji camera with a very retro look and a hybrid viewfinder. Fuji stuck with this concept from the very beginning, making the X-Pro quite different when compared to other X-series cameras...
Is the DSLR Market Already Dead?
The announcement of Nikon’s D6 stirred a big debate all over the Internet. The comparison between DSLRs and Mirrorless cameras have been beaten to pulp already. In this article, I don’t intend to predict the distant future. Rather, this article focuses on how things are right now and how they are likely to be for the next couple of years.
Best Wide Angle Lenses for Nikon, Ranked
Today, I love using wide angle lenses, but it took several years to reach that point. As a Nikon photographer, I certainly wasn’t short on options; it’s just that none seemed to work quite right. If that sounds familiar – you’re constantly comparing wide angles – hopefully this article helps.
How to Reduce Your Photo Storage Needs
As a landscape and travel photographer, I take a boatload of pictures. Sometimes I take a series of shots when I do not want to miss a moment. Other times, I take multiple shots to properly expose a scene or to capture a panorama. The result of it all is...
Photographer Profile: Sina Falker
While there are many attributes necessary to becoming a successful photographer, perhaps the most important of them all is an abiding passion for one’s craft. There is no shortage of talented photographers in the world. There is a shortage of the impassioned perseverance it takes to find success though, and those who...