Before everybody kills me about hand-holding, I just have to say this – I was doing some personal testing / photography and wanted to see what this combination could do for me. So please be kind to me :) Let me be clear, the Nikon D4 is a dream camera and I loved that camera to death. I got the D4s, because a friend wanted my D4, so this deal worked out for both of us. Upon purchase, I found it hard to believe the D4 could be improved upon and it’s still too early for me to make a conclusion on that, as I have only had the camera for 2 days. I feel there is an improvement in ISO noise at higher levels, however, the new focusing system got me interested in this camera and today’s trip to the coast to shoot some owls was all about giving me a feel for what was possible. I hand-held this combination a lot today, because I tend to do that when shooting and I wanted to know if I could do it with the 800mm and also get a feel for the D4s abilities. Anyway, here are some real world shots from me, good or bad, it was awesome fun and I got some shots I am very happy with.
I think the Nikon D4s and 800mm might be a marriage made in heaven for me. The Nikkor 800mm f/5.6E snapped into focus on everything I threw at it and I feel it did better than the D4, which I wouldn’t have believed possible.
The first photo sample was taken just after sunrise. The mink was a fast little critter and hard to shoot, only showing himself for seconds at a time – I was panning to get this shot.

After swimming, he slid in under some marsh grass and then ice covering the grass before appearing up through a hole in the ice. I still had the ISO and aperture settings from the water swimming shots, didn’t have time to change anything.

The next shot is still in the morning about 8:30am, but it was a cloudless morning and the sun got harsh pretty quickly. The owl was fairly stationary here. I was able to get a few shots off before it flew and I found myself able to hand-hold the D4s / 800mm combo for quite some time before having to lower because of sore arms.
The next shot happened not long after the one above and in approximately the same sunny light conditions. However, I am panning to get this shot.
Lastly, I wanted to see what the camera / lens combination could do after dusk and at higher ISO’s. I was still hand-holding when I took these shots after dusk of the Rye Harbor owl.
The next two images are processed the way I normally would. I wanted to see if these high ISO’s would be usable for me.
ISO 3200 sample:
ISO 6400 sample:
I once limited myself to 1600 ISO max with the D3x, because I was concerned about noise. It’s rather incredible to me to talk about usable images at 3200 / 6400 ISO or greater! Keep in mind that I like to have very little noise in my images, so I always keep the ISO as low as possible!
That’s it for this time, stay tuned for the next article from me very soon.
The article was updated to fix a couple of typos on the image descriptions (noted in the comments by readers), thanks everybody for helping me out. I was tired after a long day, up at 3:30am then finishing an article after midnight, it’s my excuse :)
I am going out shooting in the morning – did some AF fine tuning using lens align – will be interesting to see how the photo quality has changed – the 800mm needed some adjustment – so we will see
Thanks for posting. I receive my D4s today. I would not have upgraded from a D4 without compelling evidence to suggest it worthwhile but I currently shoot a D800 which is mainly for landscape but I do use it for wildlife too and I can wholeheartedly agree with your point about missing shots due to the AF with my 500 f4.
I do find the AF misses a fair bit on the D800. It could be my bad technique I suppose but I don’t think so.
Anyway I shall be doing some testing myself over the next couple of days and the group focus sounds interesting.
Thanks again and it would be good to get an update when you get a bit more use out of the combo.
Hey Steve and Thank You
I am having BIG Focus issues with the D800 and the 800mm – I am waiting for the focus align kit to arrive to fine tune my AF but at this stage the D800 and 800mm cannot get sharp photos – even tripoded, release cable, VR off – I have lost some really nice shots due to the D800.
I am just going to say this now and hop to turn out correct – If you can forget about the mega pixels, the D4 / D4s are amazingly perfect cameras for me – every pixel is a quality pixel, it has helped me get more shots than ever in all sorts of conditions – I know Mr D300s from above would dispute this, but when I was looking to upgrade from my D3x my choices at the time were D300s or wait and get the D4, I waited for the newer technology and don’t regret it.
I will use the D800 for some wildlife shots, slow moving, up close, scenic or panoramic type wildlife shots – but not for High risk high speed captures – you will fall in love with the D4s – without a doubt.
Hi Robert
I too will continue to use the D800 for some wildlife shots, the ability to crop is so useful to get in close.
Indeed I have friends who shoot with the D4 and I know what you mean about the quality. I have been flirting with buying one for some time but as I left it late I have gone with the latest D4s.
I am looking forward to enjoying this camera.
Come on postie, shake that ass where’s my D4s? ;)
I wouldn’t have upgraded if it wasn’t for a friend of mine who really wanted a D4, in effect I helped him and he helped me :) – worked nice that way.
The more you use the D4, the less you will find the urge to grab the D800 (I am talking wildlife) – The new focus system is what interests me at this poit and I just have not had enough time to play and test it out. It’s kind of a tough time of year up here in NH for wildlife, if it wasn’t for the snowy owl irruption it would be dead quiet here.
Hi, Bob:
Congratulations! Your photos taken with your new D4s are really awesome. Here, I have a question for you about importing D4s NEF files to lightroom and Photoshop. Lightroom version 4.4 and Photoshop version CS6 on my iMac computer do not recognize the NEF files from Nikon D4s. Would you please let me know what you have done with your D4s NEF files.
hey and Thanks
Two ways you can handle this for now – open with ViewNX 2 – latest version then export
If you want raw adjustments in PS 6 or open with PS 6 you need to download Raw 8.4 rc – its still in beta – Google it – but they will release the full soon
Thanks for posting your initial thoughts. Interested to hear what you think about the Group AF feature.
I thought I recognized that mink and then I realized it was the same mink I was shooting this weekend. I was positioned next to you.
Glad the tip on finding the snowy on the dunes worked out for you.
Hello Paul
It was a blast – he made my day – The owls didn’t want to put on much of a show for my first outing with the D4s, so I am glad the mink did :)
Nice to meet you, hopefully see you there again sometime and thanks for the tip !
We have been messing with AF fine tune ever since that trip – there is some issue I can’t resolve with the D800 and the 800mm – Those sunrise photos we were taking of that owl perched on a post were ALL soft – driving me crazy, 2nd set of shots we have lost because of the D800.
Wow, way to show respect and appreciation to those who bother to share actual experiences with us. If we’re asking why, then let me ask you something. What’s your point? It seems you have an agenda. Please employ it elsewhere and leave this forum to those who choose instead to share actual experience and relevant information. If you don’t share the OP’s opinion, well, so what?
It says allot that you want to engage in challenging something as subjective as artistic preferences. Again, wow.
Bad call my friend.
thank you !
No worries, Robert. An thanks for sharing your experience w/the D4s. Look forward to hearing more about it.
Not rocket science……schroeder/
My response was why worry about posting full resolutions shots online… really those staple shots are meh.
Go on px500 for that..
My point is yes I use a d4 but a d3s gets you the same results I fell.for.the hype… and those shots a spectacularly unspectacular
This isn’t the d2 to d3 gains anymore
On second thought…
not trying to stir the pot but those photos don’t look particularly different then anyone else’s… so why worry about people using them as a staple?
Not sure what the point is to the comment, so I don’t exactly know how to respond.
I am glad you are happy with the D3s and your gear, that is what photography is all about.
I am not a guru, just a person like you, trying to get closer and good photography and I do that my way just like you.
Ahh use that Lens and a D3s and you can get exactly the same results perty much… yes maybe slightly slightly easier on the d4s but plenty easy to achieve with a d3s, but not worth an upgrade imo.
Ahhh care to back your comment with some of your work?
@Robert Anderson
Great shots and thanks for sharing. What a combo to shoot with, it really must a pleasure for you to see the results.
Thanks for your kind words
This was my 1st outing with this camera lens combo – 2nd day owning the D4s so I was pretty excited to share this experience with everybody
Does anyone know if there is an improvement in dynamic range with the new D4s sensor? thanks
I believe Nasim is waiting for his test D4s to arrive and is going to do some comprehensive testing and comparisons D4 to D4s and publish the results here.
I would like you to write a note for me:
“Dear Mrs. Hench,
As a professional photographer my opinion is that your husband requires a Nikon D4s and 800mm lens to continue living. ”
Or something like that. I am really anxious to hear your feelings about the D4s tracking BIF – particularly the “low fliers” that drive me crazy because they seldom separate from the background.
Thanks for your reviews and remember those of us who live vicariously through you.
Dear Mrs Hench
I strongly believe you should listen to your husbands needs and give him a wonderful gift he will cherish for the rest of his life. He is a great husband and deserves it :)
PS: you are welcome, and yes I would love to post some BIF when I get the chance. We will be going after bald eagles and osprey shortly.