Library Module Overview: Image Review and Toolbar

With Library Module holding such a large collection of tools, tabs and panels, there is no other way to write a proper, thorough overview article but to split it into several parts. In the first article, I did my best to talk about the left-side panel (or the Navigation Panel, if you like) and all its capabilities in detail. In this article, we will focus on the center section of the Library Module – mainly the Image Grid/Loupe View, and the Toolbar.

The center section of the Library Module shows the images that you’ve navigated to using the left-side panel, and provides the main way to review image files. There are a lot of things you can do using just this one section, so please bear with me while I try to explain it all. We start with the Image Grid, which basically dominates the center section of the Library Module.

1) Image Grid/Loupe View

This part of the Library Module is used to review the images, but its capabilities extend far beyond simple image display. One of the better things about it is the choice of Grid View and Loupe View modes. Loupe View is also present in Develop Module and basically shows a large preview of a selected image, but the Grid mode allows you to see several images at once and you can change the size of thumbnails to fit more images for quicker browsing, or less images to see them better. We will get to that a bit later. What matters now is that it basically makes the Film Strip redundant in Library Module as the Grid View is so much more practical to use.

Here, you can select the images, drag them to a different folder or Collection in the left-side panel, and also Export selected images by using the “Export” button, previously mentioned in the first part of this tutorial, or by right-clicking on any one of the selected files and choosing “Export” from the menu. The same menu contains a lot of other functionality shared with Film Strip panel, which is at the bottom of the window. Let’s take a closer look at the said menu and examine each option it presents:

2) Toolbar

The Toolbar in Library Module is toggled with the “T” key. It contains a number of extremely useful tools for different view modes, filtering and sorting options, etc. Let’s take a closer look to each of them separately:

That’s pretty much all there is to know about the Toolbar!

3) Final Words

As you can see, there’s quite a lot of functionality hidden in the Library Module. And even with all these tools and settings described, we’ve barely scratched the surface. There are at the very least two more articles that need to be written to properly explain the functionality of the right-side panel (which we might also call the Metadata Panel) and the Filter Bar. I find it mind-boggling how complex Adobe’s software is when looked at this closely, yet how simple it is in actual use. Despite the fact there are plenty of things we’d like improved, now more than ever I understand just how much work Adobe’s team of developers put into Lightroom to make it as good as it can be. Better yet, they continue to do so with every new release.

I hope you’ve learned at least something new by reading this article. I assure you, there is more to come as we try to learn every little thing there is to know about the Library Module and the rest of Lightroom.

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