I was just thinking, how many poeple here are birders in addition to being wildlife/bird photographers? I enjoy finding new species even if I don't get the shot.
Hi Jason,
I think I am a birder. I was told to be wary of becoming a twitcher. I think it is probably an innate special thing to be attracted to birds but it looks like millions or more of us are.
The bear or the monkey are nice but ....
My mate Al.
Hello Jason,
I've considered myself a birder since the mid-80's, although I'm not as avid about it as I once was. It seems anymore I've got a dang camera in front of my face instead of binoculars. I still keep lists --a few states (AZ primarily), US and world (mostly Central and S. America so far).
Here are a couple of pictures from my latest trip to the Chiricahuas.
-Cheers, Roy
I'm a birder since childhood - that's actually what got me into bird/wildlife photography eventually.
I major in "outdoors" with a minor in "birds".
Plants, animals, insects, reptiles, fungi....even geology... and I'm interested.
Anything indoors, such as TV, movies, sports, social media, pop culture....hell no.
I'm a birder since childhood - that's actually what got me into bird/wildlife photography eventually.
With a username like that I never would have guessed...
I got to fly a Harris Hawk at a raptor center a few years back.
I'm still talking about it - see?
With a username like that I never would have guessed...
Yeah, kinda obvious, I guess. 😉
I made it even my job - I work for a nature conservation organisation specialized in birds (BirdLife Switzerland).
@Bo Gussname
Flying the Harris Hawk is probably one of the most magical experiences I have ever had.
When I think back I am still amazed at how light the hawk is when it alights on the glove and you stare at the size of it ;-)
Birder with My wife and photographing the Birds and learning about them.
I woudnt say im a birder but when an opportunity comes along why not capture it right?