Just wanted to ask why the need for this much security? I'm getting automatically logged out after two weeks, and when i log in i always have to also enter a pin.
I know that in todays day and age IT security is important, but this is a bit over the top imo.
Are there any settings where this behaviour could be turned off?
A reply from a moderator would be helpful ;)
Sorry about that. I think there was some discussion about that but the amount of spam/attacks seems to be a little high I guess. I'll try and bring it up and see what comes of it...
I'll pile on and say it seems a bit much. I understand the need for security, especially from spammers, but perhaps explore some other options?
Sorry that it's tough. I asked about other options but there are too many attacks on this website and we don't have an alternative yet to control the spam attacks :(
Lots of spam everywhere, the 2FA thing may be over the top but at least it's good to see an active photo forum. Not something you come across often these days.
i agree with you - not easy to sign in - but am sure there is a good reason for it.
many sites are polluted with rubbish
Well, i've noticed that they got rid of having to enter the security pin everytime one logs in, so that's a lot better imo.
Hi, Each time I want to join the forum, I need to follow the procedure, a mail sent, click on the link... Finally, I can't click the box "remind m", so each time I need to do that, is it normal?
Hey all, I just joined up, and am keen to share photos to the weekly challenges. It seems that I need a couple of approved posts before I can upload, so here we go :)
I've always loved wildlife photography, but am getting more and more interested in landscapes. I started my photography journey in 2016 with a Nikon D7200, and have shot with the following lenses: Nikon 35mm 1.8, Nikon 16-80mm, Tokina 11-16mm 2.8, Tokina 105mm Macro, Tamron 150-600mm.
I recently splashed out on a Nikon Z6iii and am super excited to play with a modern mirrorless system.