Nice photo,that’s a mouthful 😁
@Audrey, that's a very appetizing photo! I really like your lighting here, especially with such a reflective subject like the knife. My guess is, you used a large softbox to the right and a reflector to the left? Let me know how far off I am! 😆
@bigmo Thanks! By the time I was done with it, I really didn't want to eat it. 😀
@Spencer Close! Window light on the right. Reflector on the left. I like using natural light if possible.
@audrey - I wasn't hungry. Until I saw your excellent photo . . .
Thanks for sharing it. Even if I'm now hungry. 😀
@audrey, it makes sense now why the lighting looked so natural! You got exactly the type of look that people would agonize over with flashes and softboxes. Nicely done.