I recently traded in my 3 Sigma Art primes, total weight > 6.6 lb. towards a Z FX camera and a Z 85mm f/1.8 S. Still in the learning curve stage I am satisfied with the camera and lens. Wanting a wider FOV I bought a used Z 35mm f/1.8 S at a bargain price but comparing results vs my former Sigma 28mm Art + same #MP Nikon DSLR., my results were disappointing. The next day the used lens went back to the store; I bought a used Z 50mm f/1.8 S for $229 less than new and it is a keeper. It that reminds me of a Sigma 50mm Art without the focus issues and weight.
Reading the PL review of the Z 24mm f/1.8 S:"...Although the lens does not reach the same resolution potential as the Z 35mm f/1.8 S and 50mm f/1.8 S lenses, it still performed admirably when stopped down..." So I wonder if this particular used Z 35mm was a poor copy? I liked the 35mm FOV, looked ideal for low distortion for family group photos, but compared to my 50mm/85mm and former 28mm Sigma Art lens, overall and image edges were noticeably less sharp. I might try to get by (or back up) with my 50mm.
Well the 35 f/1.8S is less sharp than the 50 for sure. It shouldn't be too much different than the Sigma though. Want to include a photo or two of a comparison? Some subjects do show a lens' weakness much more than others, too. So it'd be nice to see a few samples.
Thank you for responding; my 28mm Art (from B&H) was contrasty, low distortion, even resolution, close focus, and at the F stops I used, focus accuracy was fine. I have to learn how to downsize files before posting my amateur family and street examples. As I mentioned, my arsenal of 28mm, 40mm and 135mm weighed more than 6 1/2 lb. On our last trip to Medellín, Colombia, to visit my wife's family, I used the 28mm Art (my lightest Art lens) and a Nikon 60mm f/2.8G. Previously I had used an 85mm f/1.8G alone. The weight issue was one reason to downsize gear; the other was after shooting the D850 in Live view /Silent mode, I was hooked and wanted to do the same with a ML camera with the same sensor properties and without lens adapter.
I really like my used 50mm S and new 85mm S lenses, morer than my old G versions, so no regrets. The trade-in of my acccumulated gear covered the cost of everything plus a Kirk L bracket. Before buying another lens, I will rent it for 3 days from the store where I bought y my camera and lenses. Another advantage for me: all previously purchased accessories, memory cards, batteries and used Nikon SB-5000 are compatible.
Have you considered the new Z 35mm f/1.4? I recently rented it for a weekend, to try it mostly for family photos and similar stuff. My previous doubts about the lens were blown away, and it has instantly moved to the very top of my lens wishlist.
So I can highly recommend it, though it's probably best to try it for yourself, since everyone has different expectations from a lens.
Thank you for the recommendation; I will look at and rent one at the store where I bought the Z gear.
I tried to reduce the file size of a few examples of the the Sigma 28mm f/1.4 DG Art (on D850): color rendition, edge/center resolution, and low distortion were good enough for my family and amateur street photos - no problems with back button auto focus. I had bought the Z 35mm wanting a bit more reach and hoping for results similar to the 28mm. After trying the used Z 35mm f/1.8 S (on Z8) at home, I returned it the next day to the store where purchased and unfortunately did not save any photos. I am a "PIA" customer, I even tried the 35mm again, in the store a week later. Just not for me.
Out of curiosity, was it the focal length or something about the lens itself that wasn't for you? I own the z35 1.8, and while it's technically fine for my purposes, the focal length just doesn't do it for me in most settings.
The lens itself. Though not a focal length that really moves me, I purchased the 35mm ($425 used) thinking, paired with my 85mm, it would cover what I do. What I did not like was this 35's image quality, edge sharpness, contrast maybe. Distortion was low.
I imagine it could have been a poor copy since it was nothing like my other Z lenses.
Hi, in some travel, I can sometimes use only 2 primes. the 85 f/1.8, with the excellent 20 f/1.8, for me that's ideal. I never had or seen a much better wide angle lens like this. I must say that PL's review convinced me. After the experience of a 20mm, a 35mm must be a little bit bland, most of all you said that it was not a crazy lens....
@pil I relied on PL's detailed reviews in making my final choice of 2 lenses: Z 50mm f/1.8 S (used) and the Z MC 105mm f/1.8 S (new) for a slight increase in focal length, VR, and for my amateur photos, tighter framing/closer focus.