Nice images. But my question is always: Why not use a 24-70 f/4 for landscape? I would not use f/2.8 anyway then. Is it just weight versus versatility? Then my next question: Why not use a 24-50mm at f/4?
@renegr As you're going to see in the review, either of those lenses would probably be a better choice :)
Great images Spencer. I see a commonly occurring them in your images of the southwest/desert. I'm a big fan myself of AZ and I do a lot of photography in that state as well as more desertish areas of So Cal as well.
Love all your snake pictures too :) As a child, one of my first career dreams was to be a herpetologist. I'd like to think I'm an amateur reptile fan now lol.
Here are a few more images with the 26mm f/2.8 on the Z7ii. I spent a couple of mornings with only this lens on my camera. The location was Ft. McAllister State Park - near Savannah, Georgia.
Eric Bowles
@ericbowles Hey Eric, I’d love to see them! For whatever reason, the photos didn’t attach to your post just now.
Thanks, Spencer. Here they are. Still learning the new system. Trying to attach via My Media.
Eric Bowles
Let's try just attaching the files.
Sunrise with the 26mm f/2.8. This was to test corner performance and vignetting.
A close up of a Cherokee Rose - from near minimum focus distance. Wide angle close ups are a primary use case for this lens.
It was not bad for pre-dawn photos of clouds and stars over the marsh. This was at 20 seconds so there are small star trails in a magnified view.
Another view of the corners.
Performance toward the sun was fine - better than expected.
Eric Bowles
@ericbowles, those are awesome! I like the colors of the landscapes you captured.
I also found the 26mm f/2.8 to do much better than expected against the sun, which is an underrated quality for a wide or semi-wide lens. Looks like you’re getting great use out of it so far.
I already own the 28mm and don't see a reason why to get the 26mm. The size is not that much difference; I don't know about the weight. But the price difference is quite important. Would love to see a comparison between the 28mm and the 26mm.
Anyway, great images Spencer! Looking forward to your review.
Pascal Hibon
Thanks @delange! The review is out, and I added a comparison against the 28mm f/2.8:
Thanks @delange! The review is out, and I added a comparison against the 28mm f/2.8: >
Thanks Spencer. Just read the review.
Well, that's confirmed then, no need for the 26mm...
You guys are very thorough with your reviews; one of the many things I like about PL!
Pascal Hibon