I promise, this is not another “DSLR is dead” article. In fact, as I was thinking about this post a few weeks back, I thought of ways not to make it sound like I am trying to bury any brand or camera system, as I am well-aware that discussing photography gear can sometimes bring all kinds of anger in people. Instead, what I want to do in this article, is talk about the state of the camera industry and where things are headed in the near and distant future, and what it means for DSLR owners.

Table of Contents
DSLR Development Has Stopped
The fact of the matter is, DSLR development has basically ceased across all camera brands (with Ricoh / Pentax being the only exception, as the company does not have any intentions or resources with pursuing mirrorless tech). Canon has already confirmed that it moved its lens development efforts to its RF mount, saying that it will not touch the EF mount “unless the market demands it”. Nikon recently said something very similar, pointing out that for the time being, the company will concentrate on mirrorless cameras. Simply put, this is a major shift of R&D resources towards mirrorless, and with the rise of the smartphone, as well as the economic effects of the global pandemic, a double whammy, the process is only getting accelerated. And it looks like things are going to stay this way, at least for a while, until the market stabilizes.

Just when we think that the camera market is about to recover, we get new reports of falling demand, significant losses among camera manufacturers, and reports of shifts in consumer behavior. Yes, the smartphone is continuing its devastating effect on the camera industry, and most companies, including Canon and Nikon, have not been able to really figure out the direction they should be taking. DSLR sales have taken a huge beating and basically plummeted to all-time lows, and the only part of the camera market that seems to be doing comparably better in terms of new sales is mirrorless. So it makes sense that the big two really have no choice but to embrace new tech, or they will be soon looking at the same fate as Olympus.
DSLR Has Already Hit the Innovation Wall
The thing is, DSLR development seems to have reached its maximum potential. What is there left to improve? Cameras like the Nikon D850 or the D6 are near-perfect DSLRs in almost every way, with blazing-fast autofocus systems, crazy continuous shooting speeds, huge buffers, and excellent image quality. You can’t really take phase-detection AF on DSLRs to a whole new level, because of physical and technological limitations. Canon has been adding its Dual Pixel AF (on-sensor PDAF) technology to its recent DSLRs to make them a bit more appealing, and Nikon did the same thing in its D780 DSLR for the same reason. However, it requires one to be in Live View mode (rendering the optical viewfinder completely useless), and it is not like this addition has somehow increased demand and interest in DSLR cameras.

CMOS sensor technology has not really advanced to new levels either, only incremental updates. While we have stacked BSI CMOS sensors now, such as the one from the new Sony A1, it is not like they take high ISO performance to vastly new levels. And even if there was new sensor tech, you can’t really push it as the only new feature – that would upset existing customers who want more features and innovation.
What else could you do? Add IBIS? While it sounds great, implementing IBIS properly on a DSLR is not easy. If you stabilize the sensor without stabilizing the mirror or the pentaprism in the same way, you are going to be looking at a jumpy viewfinder, and it will no longer represent reality. Imagine if your final photo has different framing compared to what you saw on the OVF – that would be frustrating. Pentax has implemented IBIS on its DSLRs, but if you ask any Pentax shooter, they will tell you that they wish the OVF was stabilized as well. Sadly, there is no practical solution to this. Anything you do will just increase the complexity and the size of the DSLR.

So aside from things like sensor resolution, shooting speed, more movie options, maybe some extra in-camera features, there isn’t much room left for real innovation with DSLR cameras.
Mirrorless is the Tech
Mirrorless technology, on the other hand, opens up all kinds of innovation potential. Just take a look at the recent mirrorless cameras like the Canon EOS R5/R6 and Sony A1. Crazy AF point coverage, advanced scene and subject recognition, face and eye detection that works not just on humans, but also on animals and birds. IBIS, pixel-shift, a boatload of advanced video features, better optics due to reduced flange distance…

I could go on and on, but you get the point. Mirrorless is where technology is today, and there is plenty of room for real innovation. With ever-evolving autofocus systems that utilize machine learning and AI, we will soon see automation that will take away the complexity of using an advanced camera. Point your camera at a subject, and your camera will be smart enough to know what you are trying to photograph. It will know where to focus, providing accurate and consistently good results.
With the sensor technology’s current limitations, we will soon be seeing image averaging capabilities (which is already being utilized on smartphones) making their way into mirrorless cameras, so that your ISO 6400 image looks like an ISO 100 image. Pixel-shift for higher resolution images will eventually take place in-camera, producing a single RAW file. We should be seeing all kinds of smart in-camera image processing as well. And I am just scratching the surface here.

The simple fact is that most future camera innovations will involve heavy use of software and artificial intelligence. Whichever camera manufacturer is going to be stronger in software will ultimately become the leader. You can easily draw parallels from the smartphone industry to the camera industry – that’s eventually where the big camera tech is going to be heading.
Who Cares? I Love My DSLR!
You have probably heard some photographers say something like “you can only pry my DSLR from my cold, dead hands”. It is true that many photographers out there have zero interest in mirrorless technology and prefer using a DSLR. Some continue to use DSLRs for financial reasons, trying to avoid a costly system upgrade, while others have their own reasons, such as preferring OVF over EFV, wanting to shoot with a larger / bulkier camera, etc.
Some photographers have a stable of classic lenses that they want to continue using, and they have no intentions to part with any of them. Whatever the reasons, there will always be those who prefer something different from the masses. This is the same reason why we still have plenty of film shooters today. Technology moves on, but the joy of using classics will always stay for those who want it.
DSLR Production Will Continue For Some Time
At the same time, there are also plenty of DSLR shooters who are looking forward to getting more tech in the future. And for those folks, it is tough to imagine that whatever they have now, might be it. They might not get any more upgrades, and at some point in the future, they might not even be able to buy a brand new DSLR the same way they have been able to in the past.

However, I seriously doubt this will happen anytime soon. In the very distant future, maybe, but we are potentially talking about decades here. And that’s if manufacturing DSLRs for Nikon, Canon, and Pentax is going to cost more than the sales they generate.

How do I know this? Well, considering how long we’ve had digital cameras by now, Canon finally decided to stop the production of its EOS-1v film camera only three years ago. And it took Nikon even longer to discontinue its F6 in October of 2020 – that camera was in production for a whopping 16 years!
I expect DSLR production to continue for at least a decade by both Canon and Nikon. The only issue is the cost of production and upkeep of a large selection of EF and F-mount lenses, as well as a wide array of DSLR cameras. Both companies will need to trim their production lines to a handful of lenses and cameras, and minimize their product support costs. This is going to be difficult for Nikon, as the company has been struggling financially, so it might need to cut its F-mount selection significantly.

Why Manufacturers are Moving to Mirrorless
For many DSLR shooters, the sudden shift from DSLR to mirrorless might be hugely disappointing. I have heard many complaints from current Nikon and Canon DSLR owners who are very unhappy about the situation, and they seem to be confused why mirrorless is so hyped, to the point that manufacturers are transitioning to it.
Well, aside from the technological potential of the mirrorless technology I talked about earlier, moving to mirrorless also makes financial sense. Just think about it. If Canon makes a brand new DSLR like 5D Mark V, what is its sales potential? Existing 5D owners who might consider upgrading? Very few of those would buy lenses with the camera, as they most likely already have a bunch of EF glass to shoot with.

Now if Canon makes a brand new mount, it is not just camera sales we are talking about. There is a huge potential in selling brand new lenses with them as well. So with the launch of a new system, you have a lot more opportunity to upsell lenses and accessories for that system. That’s just business. Both Nikon and Canon are doing the same thing, and we should not be upset about it, as long as the new products are not inferior to their predecessors (and they most certainly are not).

I have already written about the marvels of the new Nikon Z lens trinity. Canon has done the same with its line-up, offering remarkable RF mount lenses that were simply impossible to design in the past. We will be seeing more innovations like that, and I am sure of it.
So if you want the latest tech, you will need to change systems at some point, which will be costly. And camera manufacturers obviously want you to do that, as long as you stay with them. That’s why they are all racing to get the latest and greatest features in cameras while trying to push out as many mirrorless lenses as possible. Some are doing it better than others, so there will be shifts in leadership and market share – that’s a given.

Embrace Mirrorless or Die?
Nobody says that you should be embracing mirrorless. Yes, mirrorless technology will advance and that’s certainly the future. I don’t think anyone can doubt that now. However, if you are happy with your DSLR and don’t see the point of changing systems, why worry? Why waste your time reading online comments from brand shills and fanboys who are only there to defend their purchase decisions? That’s just choice-supportive bias at play, fueled by Internet anonymity.
Even if we never see another DSLR from Nikon and Canon, that’s perfectly fine. It has happened before, and I am sure it will happen again. If someone comes up with some new crazy technology that is far superior to all the mirrorless tech we have today (curved sensors, simplified optics, etc), we will be once again dealing with the transformation of the whole camera industry…

I have been using DSLRs for many years, and if I had the means to support multiple systems, I would have kept my most favorite DSLRs and all the lovely F-mount glass that I had used for so many years (it was especially tough to part with the Noct-NIKKOR 58mm f/1.2, but at least I know it is in very good hands). I am sure others have a similar sense of attachment and memories, at least to some of their gear.
It is not like my photography has vastly improved since I switched to mirrorless. I cannot say that I am enjoying photography a lot more either, and I am sure many others who switched would say the same. I have always been a geek, so technology excites me and fuels my passion. This is also my job, so it is in my best interest to keep up with the latest trends so that I can talk about them here at PL. Keep this in mind when you read my articles and reviews. I am not here to sell you anything. I don’t get paid by any brand to say what I say, and I will always enjoy my freedom. As I have said before, take everything you read on the Internet with a grain of salt, and that includes me.
Ending this post with one of my all-time favorite shots, captured with the Nikon D3S DSLR – an incredible camera for its day:

P.S. It has now been almost 10 years since I wrote my article on the “Future of Digital Cameras“. It was fun to go back and give it a read… will need to revisit this article after a few years and see where we are at!
It’s now three years from when this article came out. I’m a long-time photog, having started with 120 roll film, then 35mm rangefinder and then a 35mm Canon FT (FL-mount) in the summer of 1968. Went digital in 2005 with an APS-C Rebel XT and periodic upgrades in bodies, ending with the 80D, each camera getting bigger and heavier. Then last summer I got the just-released R7, Canon’s first semi-pro APS-C mirrorless. OMG, it’s the same size as my XT. OMG I can set it up to be able to set f/stop on the lens again! Focusing is more accurate since I’m focusing with the sensor that takes the picture. The resolution is so high I can crop tightly, turning primes into zooms. Sold my 80D, even bought some EF L lenses for it I could never have afforded before along with RF lenses. It even uses the same batteries, so I have plenty of those. What’s not to like?
I don’t have a “real” camera and am looking to buy some gear that will be useful for at least 10 years for portraits, macro, and video (with external mic). I’m looking to spend < $1000 to start with and get a 50mm/f1.4 and ~ 100mm/f2.8 as my top priority beyond the initial body/kit. (Canon T7i or Nikon D5600 are the initial targets. I don't know the mirrorless "equivalents")
I'm extremely skeptical of mirrorless because I just can't imagine how an EVF on the back of the camera can compete with *actually looking through the lens itself* in terms of artistic control, especially for macro and bokeh.
I'm frankly pretty angry to see DSLR being abandoned by Canon & Nikon.
But at the same time, I'm not sure I can justify spending what is, for me, a substantial amount of money on gear if I might get less than 5 years of usability from it.
What are your thoughts?
I bought a tiny Samsung ST 65 compact camera for £15
The sharpness and color of the prints was so good it outshone my Sony lens on my A57
mirrorless camera {second hand price, new about £100}
I could hardly believe the results from a point and shoot compact could be so amazing
If this is the case from a cheap compact why the massive cost for so many high end cameras
Are we being ripped off?
See DSLR vs Point and Shoot Camera by Lola Elise:
I had to sell my “perfect” outfit a year ago as I needed some cash urgently. What did it comprise? A Canon 7D Mark II, and three Canon lenses, the tiny 10-18 STM, a 24-70 f/4 L and the 135 f/2 L, along with a 1.4x extender. Over the years I had cut down from an ego satisfying, but weighty overkill of a pair of 1-series DSLRs, a 6D, and a dozen Canon lenses, most of them L-lenses, to something that did everytrhing I wanted with less weight and relief from decision paralysis.
In the meantime I have been using an EOS M3 with a 2mm f/2 STM lens. Amazingly it gets me get 90% of the images I used to get with the 7D II! Unfortunately, although small, it is not pocketable, I have to use it stretched out in front of my face, or with a clunky add-on EVF, and while it is small and light it is not pocketable, so when I take it out I still need a bag or pouch … and if I am going to carry a bag I might as well carry a bigger and more capable camera.
Now that my financial crisis is over, I plan to buy an interchangeable lens camera. But what will it be? Well it is an ideal opportunity to re-equip with a MILC system, and maybe to switch from Canon to a different system, maybe Nikon, Maybe Fuji – despite the Fuji system having very few lenses that are properly corrected optically for distortion. [But not Sony. I cannot fathom why, but just touching a Sony camera makes me nauseous].
So what is it to be? Another 7D mark II DSLR of course! But, you say, apart from being old-tech it is APS-C , “only” 20Mp, lacks a flippy screen, lacks WiFi and, though its frame rate and AF were amazing in their time, they have been surpassed by mirrorless cameras.
Well that may all be true, but for me 20Mp is plenty, the AF is still amazing, 10 fps is still fast, APS-C gives long lenses extra reach, and the 7D II is supremely tough and weather sealed and gives me the security of two card slots so no worries about card failure. Also I really like Canon’s menus and the size and ergonomics of the camera. Then there is its battery life. I hardly use flash, so I comfortably get double the official rating of 650 shots per charge. The durable shutter means that a new or little-used 7D II will probably outlive me (I am 67). Finally it is an inexpensive option compared to a Canon R5 or Nikon Z6.
So … what lenses? Here is an opportunity for more simplification. A 24mm prime will deal with the 90% that the little M3 currently copes with and a 70-200 f/4, along with a 1.4x extender will take care of the rest.
EDIT: Only fixing typos and spelling mistakes
Long elaborate to support upfront, marketing thesis, amplified by landscape photos only, while in real life still no mirrorless can compete with top of the line DSLR in dynamic autofocus. Who pays you for the text published? Web is floded with maniacs making their own philosophy on few facts and tons of speculations. Big Duo accountants would obviously like to see new line of cameras with more expensive primes, sold for whatever fake reason repeated in media several times.
Why bother to play a musical instrument, is it not easier to just play CDs(Oh! I Forgot, they are extinct as well)
In fact, there have been too many “DSLR is dead” essays from MILC fanboys which made photographers skeptical. Undoubtedly, those were aimed at sales booster of mirrorless cameras. We understand manufacturers also need to buy food and pay their dues. However, the smartphones have eaten up more than 85% of their market and that scenario is unlikely to change. The current atmosphere is rather a healthy one like the good old film SLR days when only pros and serious hobbyists bought cameras. It should remain like this.
Manufacturers must contemplate relocating their finances to other businesses retaining only the necessary portion for imaging equipment manufacturing business. The sooner they realize this, the better. When they come their senses, we can also expect to see real photographers;’ cameras in the market.
“Manufacturers must contemplate relocating their finances to other businesses…”
QUOTE Canon Inc., Wikipedia
Canon Inc. is a Japanese multinational corporation headquartered in Ōta, Tokyo, Japan, specializing in optical, imaging, and industrial products, such as lenses, cameras, medical equipment, scanners, printers, and semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
Canon has a primary listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the TOPIX Core30 and Nikkei 225 index. It has a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange.
QUOTE Nikon, Wikipedia
Nikon’s products include cameras, camera lenses, binoculars, microscopes, ophthalmic lenses, measurement instruments, rifle scopes, spotting scopes, and the steppers used in the photolithography steps of semiconductor fabrication, of which it is the world’s second largest manufacturer.[4] The company is the eighth-largest chip equipment maker as reported in 2017.[5] Also, it has diversified into new areas like 3D printing and regenerative medicine to compensate for the shrinking digital camera market.
I’ll leave you to learn about: the FUJIFILM Corporation; the Olympus Corporation; the Panasonic Corporation; and the Sony Group Corporation.
Manufacturers ditch DSLRs, we don’t. There’s no need to. All my pro-body Canon DSLRs are likely to last many years more. Good enough for my remaning hobbyist photography days as I’m already 65. However, might consider an R6 couple of years later to use with a 2x behind my EF 400mm f5.6L retaining AF. Might also stack two 2x extenders behind my EF 300mm f/2.8L IS II USM. Again hope, here also AF will be posdible as it’s achieved directly by the sensor.
Great article. I was a Minolta film shooter (last camera was a Maxxum 9) that transitioned to a Nikon DSLR in 2006. I thought about upgrading to a newer DSLR a few years later and saw that mirrorless was beginning to take hold. I figured it was the future. I keep waiting.
The problem now is mirrorless suffers from the same innovation curve problem that plagued early DSLRs – they’re good cameras but still have so far to go. I have an Olympus M43 camera that I love because of how small and light it is, but it isn’t all-around better than my DSLR – and it’s not just because of the sensor difference, which many like to say; only some aspects are better. Right now, I don’t see any mirrorless cameras from the big three that are materially better than their DSLR predecessors.
I don’t think now is the time to invest in a mirrorless camera system unless the buyer is new to the hobby or vocation. If one really wants to get into it now, I’d recommend treating the camera part as a throw-away and just a means to start collecting some glass. However, I think it makes more sense to do something like snatch up a D780 [or insert brand and model of choice] and related glass at soon-to-be reduced prices and “ride them horses” for a few more years until mirrorless matures and comes down in price.
Mirrorless is definitely the future….in the future.
DSLRs (and digital in general) dumbed down photography, and Mirrorless dumbed it down even further.
Only a complete idiot would say something like this in the year 2021. I can see the argument when the transition first began to happen, but 20 years later, there is no comparison. Digital is far superior to film, and that gap will only continue to widen as the technology keep advancing.
HUh?? You are maybe talking about the loss of darkroom which has now been replaced by a multitude of computer programmes that can enhance your photos like never before. Never the less good photography is still about LIGHT, composition, story telling etc. That the quality of the picture has improved tremendously is a bonus and if you don’t like that you can actually choose to have the old style view. It certainly hasn’t dumbed down photography.