Well, it was a pretty long drive back but my friend and I made excellent time. From Eastern Slovakia (where most of these shots are from) through the Czech Republic (where my friend is from), Germany, Holland, Belgium, France and then finally back home in the UK, we made it back...
Tours and Travel Category Archive - Page 10
A Day in Yellowstone
Yellowstone National Park. That is really all one needs to say to get the message across. What could very well be the most photographed National Park in the world needs no introductions. Yellowstone harbors all of the elements that make the “West” of the United States such a compelling area...
Photographing Birds in Flight
In today’s digital photography age, most novice bird photographers are happy just capturing a bird portrait with their cameras. After a while, the natural progression is to try and capture some action shots of birds in flight, but that is where most avian photographers struggle. Why? The answer is quite...
What to Photograph in Death Valley
Death Valley National Park is one of those rare places on this planet that does not cease to amaze every time you visit it. Thanks to its unusually dry weather conditions, cold winters and extremely hot summers, the park goes through a number of transformations throughout the year. And such...
Postcards From The Isle of Wight
Not another postcard article, surely? Relax, it is in no way attempting to reach the calibre of the excellent recent articles on here. Just think of it as filler or a break from the technical stuff with some images that are merely intended to bring a place to you and to...
Postcards From Plovdiv
A city I’ve had the good fortune to visit no less than seven times so far, one short article cannot hope to do it enough justice. Having a beautiful female friend there to look after me is obviously a magnetic incentive but Plovdiv itself is Bulgaria’s second city and cultural capital,...
Postcard From Gothenburg
I recently returned from a few days in Gothenburg and thought I might share some photos from this beautiful Swedish city. As the typically stunning sunset reaches out around the Christinae Church and bathes the lions next to me at Brunnsparken in a golden glow I am reminded what a...
Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6 vs 500mm f/4 at Block Creek Ranch
Recently, my wife and I headed to the Texas hill country near San Antonio for a brief getaway at the Block Creek Bed and Breakfast. This trip offered me a chance to spend some time using the new Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6E VR zoom and it has changed my opinion of it....
Eastern South Carolina: More Than Just Beaches
Last month my wife and I spent a number of weeks in the eastern portion of South Carolina with Garden City Beach acting as our home base. In the summer the Grand Strand area of the state is a renowned ‘sun and sand’ destination. In February, with temperatures often hovering...
Photographing Birds at Murrells Inlet, South Carolina
During our recent holiday in the Myrtle Beach area of South Carolina I had the opportunity to spend some time photographing birds at Murrells Inlet. Early February is not the best time for bird photography as the number of birds and range of species is somewhat limited. Never-the-less I persevered...