Tours and Travel Category Archive

Photography Life 2024-25 Workshop Announcements

I’m excited to announce today our next two workshops, with the return of our Colorado Fall Colors workshop this October and Death Valley National Park in January! We look forward to welcoming you to two of the most beautiful destinations in the world for photography at the best times of year.

Photography Life 2023 Workshop Announcements

I'm excited to announce the schedules for our upcoming 2023 Photography Life international workshops. In addition to our Jordan Photography Workshop that we have been running for many years now, we are adding a brand new workshop in Ecuador and Galápagos Islands! My close friend and business partner, Tareq Hadi,...

Exploring a Land Far Away – Zanskar Valley

On my fourth trip within the Himalayan Region of India, I came to know about a beautiful place tucked deep inside the mountain range: Zanskar Valley. I decided to embark on an eight-day journey there for landscape photography. This time, there was no detailed itinerary preparation or planning involved (which...

Photographing Iceland in the Winter

I have two of the most gullible friends in the world. When I floated the questionable idea of visiting Iceland together for a week in February – using the line, I remember, “Iceland actually stays pretty warm because it’s on the ocean” – they agreed, with hardly any further persuasion needed.

Hiking and Camping Tips from a Landscape Photographer

Even ignoring photography – which is a fun way to begin an article on a photography blog! – I’ve always loved hiking, camping, and being in the great outdoors. Some of my favorite memories are from times when I left my camera in my backpack or at home and just went exploring.

Photography Life 2021-2022 Workshop Announcements

I am very excited to announce Photography Life's 2021 and 2022 Workshops! Without a doubt, this past year has been pretty rough for many of us. With all the lockdowns and closures in place, it was quite hard to do anything travel-related for our team, let alone run a photography...

Utah – America’s Hidden Gem

Have you been to Utah yet? If not, why not? It is, after-all, the most beautiful state... I had no idea what to expect but I fell in love with Utah from the moment I first set foot there. It's different. The people are very nice, friendly and polite. The...

Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

I have been in the Southwest part of Colorado for about a week now, waiting for the haze to clear up, and the weather to change a little. While here, I wanted to see how the San Juan mountains look this year, with all the drought and COVID-19 restrictions. Although...