Post Processing Category Archive - Page 4

Our Multi-Part Lightroom Tutorial on Youtube

One thing I've wanted to do recently for our readers who are staying at home, while I'm staying at home myself, is to make a (free) complete video course to Lightroom so you can hone your skills if you like. I've published the first chapter (three videos) so far, so...

Color Noise Reduction Isn’t a Free Ride

One thing that gets me about some post-processing software, including Lightroom, is that the default settings do not always make sense. Of course, because they are the defaults, a huge number of photographers use them anyway. A clear example of this is color noise reduction.

Best Lightroom Export Settings To Use

If you want the highest quality final photo for any purpose, you need to be familiar with your post-processing software’s output settings. For many photographers, this means using Lightroom’s “Export” dialog to get the best results. But not all of these settings are completely intuitive, and you certainly don’t want...

Landscape Photography Case Study

A couple of weeks ago, I wanted to film a tutorial on photographing the Milky Way - but as you may have seen, that didn't quite work out. Our video series took a further hiatus when I lost my voice the following week, but we're back again! Since I still sound...

DxO Nik Collection 2 Announcement is Underwhelming

Today DxO released its first major version of its Nik Collection suite that it acquired from Google last year. The new version of the software, Nik Collection 2 comes with over 40 brand new presets and support for high-resolution monitors. While the support for high-resolution monitors is great to finally...

A Guide to Black and White Conversion Using Photoshop

In this Guide to Black and White Conversion using Photoshop, we will look into the pros and cons of different options Photoshop offers to turn an image into monochrome. Practically, there is not one single method that suits everyone or more precisely, not one method that suits every single image...