Post Processing Category Archive - Page 17

Photoshop vs Lightroom: What You Need to Know (2024)

Many beginners do not know the differences between Lightroom and Photoshop and have a hard time choosing which one to use. This article breaks down all the differences between these two software packages from Adobe, what they are used for, and what you can do in Photoshop that you cannot in Lightroom.

Portrait Editing: Before and After

In this article, I will show you an example of how I process portraits (before and after) and what my portrait editing workflow is like. Many of our readers ask how I post-process my images for my wedding blog and I decided to put together a quick example. Obviously, every...

How to Smoothen Skin and Get Rid of Blemishes in Photoshop

Many of our readers ask me how I smoothen skin and get rid of blemishes in Photoshop. While the manual process below is fairly simple, there are some available presets and programs that could be utilized to help streamline the process for photographers. Many professionals though (including myself) prefer to...

How to Create a Diptych in Photoshop

While Nasim is working on posting another big article on how to create a photography blog, I decided to jump in and write a quick tutorial on how to stack two vertical images in Photoshop, also known as "diptych". I hope those of you, who already have a blog or...

How to Fix Blank Images in Lightroom

Have you ever had a situation when you opened Lightroom and all thumbnails and images appeared blank? After discovering that the memory on our main PC was bad, I switched over my Lightroom catalog to my laptop for temporary access to be able to retrieve images to our clients. I...

How to Properly Sharpen Images in Lightroom

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom comes with powerful tools to sharpen images during post-processing. Located in the Develop module of Lightroom, the "Detail" box contains both Sharpening and Noise Reduction tools that allow Photographers to enhance their digital workflows by fine-tuning images and getting them ready to be published and printed in...

Photo Noise Reduction Tutorial

This photo noise reduction tutorial is for beginner photographers, who want to reduce or get rid of noise in their digital images and don't know how to do it. I will first explain what noise is and how you can reduce it in camera and then I will show how...

Lightroom Process Version Explained

Every once in a while, Adobe releases major updates to Lightroom that might drastically change the way RAW images are converted and processed. In order to make sure that photographers can preserve their existing edits within Lightroom, Adobe came up with something called "Process Version", which basically stores the different...

How to Make the Sky Blue in Lightroom

One of the biggest frustrations in photography is the fact that our cameras are not able to fully capture the light and the dark tones that we can normally see with our eyes, which is known as "dynamic range". How many times have you seen situations when the sky is...

How to Whiten Teeth in Photoshop

Who wouldn't want pearly white teeth gleaming through a beautiful smile! This is a quick and one of the most effective ways of whitening teeth in Photoshop. I've tried many different ways before, but once I adopted this particular method, I never went back to my old ways again. (more…)