Photography Tutorials Category Archive

Using Off-Camera Flash for Nature Photography

Nature, by its very essence, is unpredictable - sometimes I even feel it’s downright mischievous. You’ve surely experienced this yourself: The very essence of photography, the light, is also photography's greatest challenge. Sometimes too little, sometimes too much, and sometimes simply boring. There may not be a perfect solution to...

Everything Else Aperture Does to Your Photos

Most photographers are aware that aperture affects your exposure and depth of field in photography. (If that's news to you, I recommend reading our introduction to aperture before this article.) But what else does it affect? There are lots of other variables that also change with your choice of aperture....

What Is Good Light in Wildlife Photography?

"I wish you good light" - or simply, "good light!" - is a traditional greeting among photographers. But what does it really mean? Every time that I hear this familiar phrase, it makes me think about what exactly my fellow photographer is trying to say. Are they wishing for lots...

An Introduction to Intimate Landscape Photography

Landscape photographers are known for chasing some of nature’s grandest scenes. Towering mountains, panoramic seascapes, grand views of the Milky Way – all photos with a massive scale. But there’s another side of landscape photography, just as full of potential but often overlooked. It’s called the intimate landscape.

How to Take Even Better Wildlife Photos

Even though it's been about 15 years, I still see it as if it were today: For the first time, I'm standing in a South American cloud forest with a camera and a 300mm zoom lens. Suddenly, from a nearby thicket, I hear the familiar chirp of a Masked Flowerpiercer....