Photography Tutorials Category Archive

Depth of Field in Wildlife Photography

Wildlife photography is inextricably linked with long telephoto lenses. Most wildlife photographers dream of having a fast, professional lens in their arsenal. Is it just a desire to own something beautiful and expensive? Not at all. There's a rational reason to own an exotic lens: the fast maximum aperture. It's...

Tips for Duck and Goose Photography

Ducks and geese form the family Anatidae, and there are 174 of them in total! Moreover, they are large birds that are easy to see - and thus make good photographic subjects. But like all animals, ducks and geese have their own sort of behavior, and that means there are...

Protest Photography: A Neglected Photographic Genre?

In the aftermath of events in Israel and Gaza following October 7, 2023, the entire world, including the U.S., has witnessed a wave of protests unlike anything since the summer of 2020 after George Floyd was killed by police. Photo images of these recent protests have appeared in the major media...

How to Photograph the Northern Lights

There’s a once-in-a-generation display of the aurora happening today (maybe through this week). Here in Colorado, dancing lights are visible with the naked eye. It’s a good time to revisit this guest article from Ajit Menon with all the info you need for photographing them!

How to Photograph a Solar Eclipse

On Monday, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, giving photographers in some parts of Mexico, the United States, and Canada a chance to photograph this remarkable phenomenon. Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare! Our updated guide covers everything you need to know about photographing the eclipse.

Nikon Shooting Menu Banks Explained

In this article, I will explain how to set up Nikon’s shooting menu banks so that you can incorporate them into your photography workflow. What are shooting menu banks for, and how can they make your work faster and more enjoyable? Today, I’ll answer those questions and more.

How to Do Urban Wildlife Photography

"Urban wildlife." Put together, those two words sound like a contradiction. Something like a "square circle," "hot ice," or "honest politician." But cities really are full of life, and not the just two-legged kind of hairless primates. There is also a wide variety of animals to photograph. I recently returned...