Photography Techniques Category Archive - Page 6

9 Rapid-Fire Landscape Photography Tips

There are so many little tips and tricks I like to use in landscape photography to make my life easier, and I've included nine of the most important in the article and video below. I'm focusing especially on composition, but there are some post-processing and camera-related tips as well. My...

Manual Focus or Autofocus for Landscape Photography?

Landscape photography is often slower paced than other genres, allowing for a more methodical approach to composition and camera settings. That includes focusing; manual focus is more popular for landscapes than most other genres. Indeed, there's a whole market of third-party manual focus lenses geared almost exclusively to landscape photographers....

What is Saturation? And How to Get Optimal Saturation

In this article, we will examine the various factors that affect saturation, including different approaches to obtain optimal saturation in post-processing (Photoshop) without making our image look unnatural. Lately, the internet and social media are filled with oversaturated images, thanks largely to heavy-handed filters and presets in post-processing software and...

9 Macro Photography Tips for Beginners

With spring arriving in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time again for many of us to go outside in humid, buggy areas in search of creepy-crawlies. Macro photography is... peculiar, I admit that. But anyone who’s tried this genre also knows its allure. Navigate some technical hurdles and heed the mosquitos,...

When to Use Bracketing for the Best Results

One of the most useful techniques in photography is called bracketing - in other words, taking multiple photos of the same subject with different camera settings. Commonly, bracketing is about changing your exposure: one photo at the meter’s recommendation, plus one under and one over. But exposure isn’t the only...

Complete Guide to Street Photography for Beginners

Street photography is one of the most challenging but at the same time one of the most rewarding genres of photography. Documenting people in their everyday environment is not easy - it requires patience, hard work and sometimes even some bravery to be able to approach and photograph complete strangers....

24 Top Photography Ideas for 2024

If you're looking for photography ideas and inspiration for 2023 and beyond, the list below is meant for you. Many photographers find themselves in a bit of a creative rut from time to time, or they just want to try out something new rather than taking the same types of...

24 Types of Photography You Should Know in 2024

It’s useful to understand the different types of photography and genres practiced today. On one hand, it's good to know that you aren't missing out on good pictures from photographers who capture different subjects than you do. But more importantly, when you see a wide range of photographic types and...

Is Chimping in Photography Good or Bad?

Photographers are pretty good at coming up with creative, self-deprecating insults. From GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) to pixel peeping, just look on any photography forum today and you'll find a new term that makes you smile and cringe at the same time. One of my personal favorites is chimping -...

24 Photography Tips for Beginners in 2024

Whenever I think of a useful photography tip, I always write it down for later. Most of them are forgettable, but some are so helpful that I try to tell them to as many photographers as possible. This article contains 21 of the best. These bite-sized photography tips are easy...