Photography Techniques Category Archive - Page 4

Macro Photography Ideas to Try at Home

Most of us have gotten rather used to our homes over the past year. And most photographers, including me, have had a harder time finding interesting subjects and inspiration as a result. But one of the best things about macro photography is that you can do it anywhere, including indoors,...

Wildlife Photography Without a Supertelephoto

Even though my longest lens is a 70-200mm f/4, I’m still a big fan of wildlife photography. What’s not to like? Sitting around for hours without any luck, cursing your autofocus system, getting acquainted with mosquitos and other bugs while you wait…

What Is Back-Button Focus?

Back-button focus is a camera technique that separates focusing and shutter release to two separate buttons. It is a useful way to stop the camera's autofocus system from getting continuously engaged when the shutter is released. In this article, we will take a closer look at what back-button focusing is,...

Autofocus Modes Explained

Most modern digital cameras are equipped with advanced autofocus systems that are often hard to understand. Whether you are shooting with an entry-level or professional camera, knowing how to use the autofocus system effectively is essential to get sharp images. A badly-focused, blurry image can ruin a photograph and you...

Photography Tricks & Time Savers: New Video

We’ve just published a video with 11 of my favorite photography tricks and time savers, so check it out below if you’re interested! I wanted to make a list of practical and lesser known tricks that I rely upon all the time, and hopefully this does the job.

Tips & Tricks for Dog Photography

Dog photography requires patience, especially for beginners, because the subjects are often moving around quite a bit! The tips in this article will not only help you to find a balance in photographing moving subjects, but also advance you to the next level of dog photography.

The Spot Metering Method for Precise ETTR

Most recommendations for ETTR (exposing to the right) require you to use the histogram and “blinkies” on your camera to judge overexposure. And while this method works fairly well and has plenty of benefits, it isn’t flawless. Here’s an alternative method involving spot metering, which works better in many cases.