The first week of the year is over, and I completely forgot to make any New Year's resolutions. But as they say: better late than never. So, I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote them down. "Lose a few kilos, photograph a Black-breasted Puffleg, and write more lens and...
News Roundup Category Archive - Page 7
Photography News: Highlights from 2023, Looking to 2024
I'm posting this week's Photography News in the last hours of 2023. Outside my windows, I can already see the fireworks of the first eager welcomers of the New Year. This morning, after a few days, the heavy, water-soaked clouds parted for a while and I closed myself in my...
Photography News: Expiring Deals, New Canon Rumors
Our team at Photography Life wants to wish you a wonderful holiday season, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! I hope you're able to spend time with family and friends this week. These last few days, I've been editing landscape photos from a hike that I did earlier this month,...
Photography News: First Nikon Z6 III Rumors, Fujifilm Sales
Today's Photography News will begin and end a bit unconventionally with a little reflection on the topic of health. Art therapy is a proven method for diagnosing and improving an individual's mental health. Personally, I occasionally prescribe myself "photo therapy." This is not light therapy, as you could read about...
Photography News: Likely Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 for Nikon, Fuji to Nikon Z Adapter
A few days ago, I removed the last of the Sri Lankan leeches that were enjoying the exotic delicacy of my Czech blood. The water that had condensed inside my lens has finally found its way out. Now, there is nothing left to do but to start sorting the photos...
Photography News: Nikon Pre-Release RAW Rumor, Holiday Sales
This week, I was excited to get back some of the 8×10 film that I shot in Death Valley last month. One of my favorite parts of landscape photography is seeing my photos come to life on a light table for the first time. (Then again, one of my least favorite parts is if they didn’t turn out…)
Photography News: Nikon Superzoom Rumor, Cyber Monday
I've made it back from my trip to Death Valley, where I recently traveled to see (and of course photograph) a temporary lake that formed in Badwater Basin. I'll get back my developed 8x10 film in a few days, but in the meantime, I've been going through all the digital...
Photography News: Lots of Early Black Friday Sales
The best way to test any new photography equipment is to take it on a trip. And that's what I'm doing now - I'm visiting the tropics again, this time the Asian ones. My batteries are charged, lenses are cleaned, cards are empty, and laundry is done (for now). I...
Photography News: “I’m Back Film” Digital Sensor, Holiday Sales Begin
For my opening Photography News images, I usually post a photo I took last week. This time I will make a small exception to that rule. The month and day match, only the year is 2005 - prehistoric from the point of view of digital photography. But many of you...
Photography News: Canon Lenses, Upcoming Sony Announcements
Recently, I was thinking about what I consider to be the greatest evolution in photographic technology in recent years, and I can't decide. Automatic eye detection across the entire viewfinder ranks very high. A blackout-free viewfinder is highly appreciated, as well. And I also see a huge leap forward in...