Yesterday, I was interviewed for the Czech Nature Photo Contest, and I answered a question about what photographing wildlife means to me personally. I answered honestly that, apart from the photos, it is mainly an escape from hectic times, the pressure of civilization, and human interactions.
News Roundup Category Archive - Page 6
Photography News: Leica SL3 Announced, Memory Card Deals
Last week, after a long time, I picked up the classic Nikon D850 DLR camera. Why did I do that? Well, to digitize the photos I took with even more classic cameras like the Nikon FM 3a. I didn't stop with this relatively recent history and started digitizing some of...
Photography News: A Fast MicroSD Announced, MacBook Air Sales
This Sunday is World Wildlife Day. The theme for 2024 is "Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation." I often wonder what role photographers like you and me can play in connecting people and the planet. I also wonder if we photographers are doing more harm than...
Photography News: Fuji X100VI and a Lot of Lens Announcements
In last week's Photography News, I mischievously let you guess which lens I used for my opening photo. The mysterious and somewhat unusual lens was successfully identified as a spotting scope for bird sighting. Today, I have a similar challenge for you, only the answer this time is a little...
Photography News: A 10mm Full-Frame Lens, Canon and Nikon Sales
An interesting software program (a review of which you will soon be able to read) prompted me this week to dive into the greatest depths of my archives. Our fascination with modern technology sometimes makes us forget that how often great photos were taken with - by today's standards -...
Photography News: Rumored 500mm Sigma, New Zeiss (Cine) Lenses
The persistent rain outside the windows made me search my archives for photos this week instead of going outside. But it wasn't a nostalgic trip back in time - it was a focused search for sample images from a particular lens, a review of which you'll soon be able to...
Photography News: OM System News, Rumored Nikon Z6 III Specs
Coffee on the table, down jacket, and hat. In the room where I've just opened my computer, it's barely 38 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees Celsius). The fire behind my back started crackling cozily just a few moments ago. Slowly and reluctantly, the spruce logs are beginning to release the solar...
Photography News: OM System’s Rumored Flagship Camera and Telephoto Zoom
Would you believe that even in the urban jungle of one of the world's oldest cities, you can take photos as if you were in the tropics of Asia or South America? Soon, I will give you the proof in an upcoming article about photographing urban wildlife in Rome. But...
Photography News: Canon Gets Third-Party AF Lens, Nikon and Fujifilm Sales
Photography is not an activity that brings people together like team sports. Everyone looks into their own viewfinder and hunts for their own visual catch. This is even more true for wildlife photography. One might be tempted to say that wildlife photography is a pastime for introverts. But not quite.
Photography News: Panasonic’s Compact Macro Lens, Swarovski’s Revolutionary Binoculars
I like to start my Photography News on a positive note, but it is not always easy. Especially when I see my favorite country, where I spent several years of a happy life, turn into a battlefield. Ecuador is the place on earth with the highest number of bird species...