The mongoose in the picture below is not wild, but was taken in the Prague Zoo. I didn't even take it with any new, interesting equipment. So what makes this photo so valuable to me? It's the first photo I took after a three-week photographic absence enforced by six broken...
News Roundup Category Archive - Page 5
Photography News: Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 Announced, Canon R5 Mark II Rumors
Do you sometimes feel anxious about how dynamic and full of change the world around us is? It may be reassuring to know that there are places on our planet where time moves at a different pace. Like some caves in southern Europe. Olms (Proteus anguinus) are cave-dwelling salamanders whose...
Photography News: Upcoming Fuji X Summit, Canon Sale
This is the eye-like mosaic on the wings of the Owl Butterfly (genus Caligo). How long did such an adaption take to occur? And what did it cost? Over countless generations, unfathomably many butterflies were eaten by predators before the pattern you see below arose. Maybe it feels like you've...
Photography News: Fuji X-T50 Leaks, Extensive Nikon Sale
Would you rather see a rare animal species from a great distance, or a more common species nearby? I pondered that question during my trip to Yellowstone National Park last week. More than once, I saw distant grizzlies and wolves that barely took up a few pixels at 600mm (or even 1680mm…
Photography News: Three New Lenses Under $160
This week was another pleasantly busy one for our team. Spencer went to Yellowstone with a truck full of camera equipment to test for you. Jason returned from his birding grounds having photographed several new bird species for the first time. And I just came out of the woods after...
Photography News: Sony 16-25mm f/2.8 Announced, Fuji Medium Format Sale
Have you ever wondered what the subject you are photographing would look like if you had a different camera? Namely, a camera with a smaller or larger sensor than the one you currently have? I have asked myself this question before, and will soon offer my answer in an article....
Photography News: Nikon Camera Sales, Panasonic S5 II Pre-Burst
This has been quite a busy week for our team. Spencer put another batch of lenses through their paces in our lab, including a pair of Nikon supertelephotos that I'm very curious about. Jason is on a quest to photograph his 700th bird species, currently stuck on bird #699. As...
Photography News: Nikon Tilt-Shift Rumor, MicroSD Sales
As photographic equipment becomes more sophisticated, it's only a matter of time before something breaks. And, naturally, it will tend to break at the worst possible time. This happened to me while I was in the field recently. Fortunately, I was able to work around it and continue documenting a...
Photography News: Several New Lenses, Solar Eclipse Sales
Easter is celebrated differently in different parts of the world. In France, they make a giant omelet out of 15,000 eggs. In Hungary or Slovakia, girls are splashed with cold water or even thrown into a stream. And in the Czech Republic, we traditionally use a decorated “Easter whip” on our loved ones (gently)…
Photography News: Nikon Superzoom Rumor, Memory Card Deals
If you noticed any significant mood swings in a positive direction this week, it may have been because March 20th was the International Day of Happiness. Still, I preferred to leave nothing to chance - I traveled for a few days from a country ranked 18th in happiness to one...