If you watched the Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards on Tuesday, you may have recognized the name of the winner in the Natural Artistry category. Talented wildlife photographer Jiří Hřebíček took home the prize with his image The Artful Crow. A common and overlooked bird captured in a city...
News Roundup Category Archive - Page 3
Photography News: Viltrox 135mm f/1.8 Rumor, Nikon & Panasonic Trade-in Sales
Before diving into the latest news from the world of photography, I’d like to share a painful experience - thankfully not my own. During one of my night canoeing trips deep in Ecuador's Yasuní National Park, I came across this poor caiman that had survived a very painful encounter. What...
Photography News: New Leica Camera, Shimoda Backpack Sale
It’s the end of September, which means it’s the perfect time to head out and photograph the deer rut, now in full swing. But if the idea of misty, chilly mornings in temperate forests doesn’t appeal to you, hop on a plane to the tropics. I’ve chosen one tropical animal...
Photography News: Rumored DSLR Flagship, Last F-mount Exotics on Sale
Do you know what a significant event took place on September 16, 1824? On that day, two important events took place in France: King Louis XVIII of France died, and photography was born. With all due respect to the French king, I consider the second event to be more important...
Photography News: Canon’s Budget f/2.8 Zoom, M4/3 Sales
As I write this opening paragraph, I'm sitting on a train, looking out at the flooded landscape around the tracks. Just a few dozen kilometers further north, floodwater is rushing through the towns and villages. Streets have become raging rivers, houses have become islands. How helpless and vulnerable we humans...
Photography News: New Fast Zooms, Great Nikon Telephoto Deals
What can focus on its prey better - the American Harris's Hawk, the European Golden Eagle, or the Japanese Nikon D6? And how does the new Nikon Z 35mm f/1.4 perform in the field? I sought answers to these and other questions while photographing birds of prey yesterday. I'll share...
Photography News: Nikon Z50 II Rumors, 2TB Memory Card Sale
Nature photography is an activity with strong therapeutic potential. With few exceptions, it requires walking, which might be the healthiest sport ever. Most of the time you are breathing fresh air. And the sounds of nature, especially birdsong, have been proven to have therapeutic effects. What about the negative effects...
Photography News: Rumored Telephotos, Memory Card Sales
For the opening photo of this Photography News, I have borrowed the Bolivian Red-fronted Macaw (Ara rubrogenys) from its author Tomas Grim. This magnificent, critically endangered parrot does not nest in tree cavities like its relatives, but on high cliffs. Even there, it is not safe from nearby farmers and...
Photography News: New Tripods, Major Used Gear Sale
When I get the chance, I like to have fun looking for biological nonsense in movies. Like when a Harris's Hawk sits on the shoulder of a falconer in King Arthur's retinue, or when an American Turkey Vulture circles in the first seconds of The Bridge on the River Kwai....
Photography News: Rumored f/2.8 Zooms, Backpack Sales
Now that it's summer, I'll try to show you a photo that will refresh and cool you down. Imagine, for example, a creek filled with perfectly cold beer. Unfortunately, even in the Czech Republic - which is one of the leading countries in the consumption of this golden drink -...