Do you make New Year's resolutions, or do you view them as a source of potential frustration? Most of my resolutions - like, I'm going to eat less and exercise more - usually turn into the exact opposite after a few weeks. But what about trying something new? I resolve...
News Roundup Category Archive - Page 12
Photography News: Mysterious AF Technology, High-MP Camera Sales
Dear reader, is landscape photography your photographic passion? Then in the new year I wish you many golden hours. Do you shoot portraits and street photography? Then let there be many interesting faces and situations in front of your lens. Or, are you a wildlife photographer? If so, I hope...
Photography News: Rumored Lenses, Canon Sales
When I first thought about the intro to today's Photography News, I wanted to write something about how gloomy, dark, and cold it is outside all day. This morning, my hand literally froze to the door handle. But your perception of the world is likely to be quite different from...
Photography News: Five New Lenses, Rumored Telephoto Zoom for Nikon Z
A really smart AI-based robot, ChatGPT, has recently appeared on the web. You can ask it questions, and it responds with uncanny accuracy (for a robot). I asked it a simple question: “Are cameras with a full-frame sensor better than those with an APS-C sensor when shooting at high ISO?”
Photography News: Rumored Sony Lenses, More Holiday Sales
Yesterday, I went to South Moravia to take some actual photos for today's Photography News. I visited this wine region in the south of the Czech Republic - not (just) for the wine, but for the birds. To my surprise, though, a flock of about 100 Monk Parakeets landed in...
Photography News: New 35mm Lenses, Rumored Canon Cameras
A friend of mine, a great photographer and scientist, returned from Madagascar a few weeks ago. Alongside a stunning photograph of the endangered Scaly Ground-Roller, he also brought back the knowledge that only tiny fragments of this paradise remain. Soon there may be nothing left to protect.
Photography News: Sony a9 III Rumors, Black Friday Sales
This Saturday, I saw a very inspiring lecture by my friend and fellow photographer, Petr Bambousek. Apart from the great photographs, Petr's use of a quote by Albert Einstein caught my attention. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." In the context of the...
Photography News: Nikon Z8 Rumors, Early Holiday Sales
During my travels, I often see breathtaking, majestic landscapes that take my breath away. But yesterday, for the first time in a long time, I took a walk through the land of my childhood. A land that has burned itself into my mind and shaped my relationship with nature. The...
Photography News: DJI Mavic 3 Classic, Crazy SanDisk SSD Drive Sale
The trees in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere have almost lost their leaves. Thus a major season for landscape photographers is slowly coming to an end. What about wildlife photographers? In the northern hemisphere, it has become a bit poorer in terms of species richness; lots of species...
Photography News: Nikon Z9 Firmware & Nikon Europe Sale
My little quiz in the latest Photography News was not too challenging for you. Most of you correctly guessed that the lens I used to take the Masked Flowerpiercer photo was indeed the Nikon Z 400 mm f/4.5 VR S, which I then wrote about a few days ago. This...