Whenever possible, I try to show you the photos I have taken in the past week in my regular Photography News. This photo is so fresh that the fish sticking out of the kingfisher's beak is definitely still in the belly of one of the chicks it was meant for....
News Roundup Category Archive - Page 10
Photography News: 4 New Cameras from 4 Different Companies
Last week was packed with news. Besides the unique opportunity to download raw files taken with the new Nikon Z8 on Photography Life, we have a variety of new cameras that arrived on the photography scene last week. Let’s take a closer look at them today.
Photography News: Fujifilm X-S20 Rumors, Big Capture One Sale
The biggest buzz this month was definitely caused by the introduction of the Nikon Z8. Earlier this weekend, the Photography Life team got our hands on two copies of this long-awaited camera. I'm guessing that as I'm writing this Photography News, Spencer is hiking somewhere in the mountains around Denver...
Photography News: Multiple New Cameras, Big Sales on M4/3
Baby animals love Spring as a good time to introduce themselves to the world. It seems that camera companies agree. This week, the long-awaited Nikon Z8 camera saw the light of day, but what other news happened in the photography world? It wasn't just Nikon who had something interesting happen...
Photography News: Rumored Canon 500mm Zoom, Nikon + Canon Camera Sales
I wrote some of today's Photography News within this small, cozy office I set up near a kingfisher's nest. The period when the kingfisher parents incubate their eggs is a slow one for photography. It can take up to three hours between two rotations on the nest while you wait...
Photography News: Nikon Z8 Rumored Specs, Sony Sales
Yesterday I was walking with my camera through the beautiful Krkonose mountains on the border of the Czech Republic and Poland. Even the rain could not take away their beauty. I used one of the smallest Nikon Z-mount lenses available to photograph one of Europe's largest rivers, the Elbe. Specifically,...
Photography News: Lightroom Update, Canon Sales
This weekend, April 22, fell on the 53rd anniversary of International Earth Day. This celebration of our beautiful planet is currently being held in 193 countries around the world. The purpose is to support and promote environmental protection. Hopefully, you were able to get out into nature on Saturday, at...
Photography News: Two Monochrome Cameras, Canon 100-300mm f/2.8 Rumor
The biggest news last week, at least for us at Photography Life, was the launch of our new forum. We've been missing this feature for a while, and it took some time to get it up and running. But now it's finally online and the discussions are in full swing....
Photography News: Two Nikon Lens Rumors, Samyang’s f/2 Zoom
I have to admit that we have rather bizarre Easter traditions in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Before Easter Monday, men and boys weave a kind of whip out of wicker. Then they go from house to house with it, and while reciting Easter rhymes, they hit the girls on...
Photography News: Sony ZV-E1, World Backup Day Deals
If you go out into the countryside right now, you may come across a leaping, squawking procession on its way to the nearest pond or lake. Many amphibians migrate from far and wide this time of year to find suitable places to lay their eggs and foster a new generation....