Miscellaneous Category Archive

Rarities in Avian Coloration: Leucistic Birds

Grab a bird field guide and flip through its pages quickly – so fast that you can feel a breeze against your face. As the pages flicker before your eyes like a cartoon, the flashes of colors will tell stories of evolution. These usually have two basic storylines. The color...

Maroon Bells in 4K and 8K

As I was going through the pains of reducing my photo storage, it was a fun experience to go back to my early work and see if there was anything worth keeping. While deleting a large collection of panoramic images, I found a couple that I ended up saving. Interestingly,...

Dealing with Photo Storage Pains

Over the holidays, I finally decided to start a thorough clean-up of my Lightroom catalog and images. Many years of shooting resulted in accumulation of almost 400 thousand images and videos in original formats, and I got tired of trying to keep my data backed up and synced between different...

Nikon Z6 II vs Nikon Z6 III: What Should You Get?

The Nikon Z6 II and Nikon Z6 III are two full-frame, 24-megapixel Z-mount mirrorless cameras from Nikon. In some ways, the Nikon Z6 II was a fairly incremental upgrade to the original Z6, which addressed the main problems of the Z6 such as the single card slot. The Z6 III,...

1,000 Photography Life Members – Thank You!

Three months ago, we decided to take Photography Life in a different direction. At a time when most websites shove increasingly aggressive ads into people’s faces, and many replace good writers with AI-generated garbage, we removed all third-party ads from Photography Life and invested even more in our articles.

The Biggest Endeavor We’ve Tried at Photography Life

If you’ve browsed Photography Life in the last week or so, have you noticed something interesting? I don’t blame you if you missed it – it’s not something we’ve added, but something we’ve taken away. Here’s a hint: Our pages load much faster now, and perhaps you even feel less stressed when you look at the site.