Essays and Inspiration Category Archive - Page 9

On Expectations

“If I did what has already been done, I would be a plagiarist and would consider myself unworthy; so I do something different and people call me a scoundrel. I’d rather be a scoundrel than a plagiarist!” – Paul Gauguin

The Four Seasons of the Little Egret

As an amateur bird photographer, I often asked myself what is so special in birds, and why many people are so attracted by them. The answers to these questions are not unique and likely involve subjective feelings and personal motivations. Some are simply attracted by the fact that birds are challenging...

Returning to a Location

If you frequently return to the same location for photography, how do your photos change over time? Do you gain a better understanding of the scene in front of you? These questions have been on my mind recently as I return to old locations for various reasons.

Levels of Perception in Photography

If you close your eyes, point your camera in any direction, and take a picture, I’m willing the bet the photo won’t be a success. Unless you’re doing some artsy “blindfolded photography” project, it completely lacks intent or any engagement with the scene in front of you.

What Are Your Favorite Photography Moments?

Every once in a while, conditions and circumstances align perfectly and some unexpected, amazing sight happens while I’m taking pictures. It rarely happens more than once a year, but it’s always memorable. Below, I’ll share some of my favorites and invite you to do the same.

Why Do I Photograph Snakes?

It’s a question I hear all the time: “Why in the world do you photograph snakes?” The answer is very simple: I love photography, I love snakes, and I believe snakes deserve more positive attention than they currently receive.

The Power of The Image

I’ve been reflecting on the fact that there are plenty of technical discussions about camera equipment and the general know-how of photography. I wanted to examine the role and importance of the still image and its ongoing significance in the ever-changing landscape of media and visual communication. Some time ago,...

Behind the Shot: Pyramid Dune

Death Valley National Park has more extremes than almost any other place on earth. The weather is harsh and the landscape unforgiving. It’s a brilliant combination for landscape photography.