A winter storm hit the Boston area sometime in February and when various weather channels called for a clear evening/night, I got thinking. I live close to Merrimack River and have tried photographing it several times before but so far not have not been satisfied with the resulting images. Sometime...
Essays and Inspiration Category Archive - Page 20
Looking Through Your Archives
As a photographer, it is easy to feel excited about the newest images that you take. After returning from an amazing shoot, there is nothing more fun than loading your photos and sorting through them for the first time. This initial thrill, though, doesn’t always last. If you took hundreds...
The Last Nomadic Hunters-Gatherers of the Himalayas
The nomadic Rautes are the last hunters-gatherers of the Himalayas. The Rautes, who call themselves Kings of Forests, subsist on langur and macaque monkeys, wild yams, rice and a few kinds of vegetables traded from local farmers. Their main occupation is to trade and exchange of wooden items in nearby...
Zabriskie Point – My Old Enemy
I love Death Valley. Despite its name, it is one of the most stunning places on this planet to visit, enjoy and photograph. While I have been to many areas of the park, every time I visit, I find something new to explore. Since my first visit to Death Valley...
Making The Familiar Unfamiliar
So while new gear is released and debated and salivated over this month I humbly submit that it may be worth a reminder as to why it means anything to us at all. Something to do with taking photos, I think, I’m not really sure. But while a newer sensor...
Still Experimenting, Learning and Having Fun After 100,000 Images
I recently checked the shot count on my three Nikon 1 V2 bodies. Then I added up the number of photographs I’ve taken with Nikon 1 bodies like the V3 and J5 that I borrowed from Nikon Canada in order to write some reviews. I discovered that I’ve taken over...
End Of Year Thoughts
As yet another new year beckons (entirely too quickly for my liking; I still vividly remember 1986!) we may be reflecting on the photography we have made this year but also on what we aspire to in the coming year. I’m sure most of us want to improve our skills...
Long Exposure Photography with an Advanced Compact Camera
Most compact camera users may fear that you can only achieve long exposure images at night with a DSLR or mirrorless camera. But an advanced compact camera with manual controls can achieve some pretty decent results, as I found using the Canon G5X. (more…)
Christina’s Lights
While the holiday season is usually one of joyous times spent with family and friends, it can also serve as a time for remembrance and deeply felt love. This is the case for my neighbours, Uby and Cindy Paul. The Paul's daughter Christina was five or six years old when she first became...
The Fallacy Of Talent
I’m not sure if the premise of this article will incur the Wrath of Khan and perhaps it doesn’t belong on a site like this. But it made me think, which in turn made me write, about how easily the word ‘talent’ is bandied about in the photographic community. It...