I am currently traveling in Wyoming with a couple of friends and we are on our way home, after an unsuccessful attempt to stay in Yellowstone National Park - it turned out to be a complete zoo, even a couple of days after the total eclipse. I don't know what...
Essays and Inspiration Category Archive - Page 13
Does Photography Have Any More Technical Limitations?
Something I noticed recently made me stop and think for a moment, since, if true, it means that the modern era of photography is an especially noteworthy time: With very few exceptions, there are no scenes or subjects that are impossible to capture with today’s technology. Nearly everything you come...
If, at the End…
Life is an ever-changing adventure. We are each faced with our own unique set of opportunities and challenges. Sometimes it can be difficult to navigate our journey through the day-to-day turmoil we often face. Competing priorities. Unforeseen events and twists of fate. Moments of adulation. Periods of self-doubt. They can...
Postcards From Niagara Falls
So I wasn’t sure that I wanted to write about shooting this location (especially since my last post was about finding local subjects) but I’ve shot a few waterfalls around the world, and plenty at home in the UK, so I thought I might offer some small, meagre insights into...
How to Find Your Personal Style in Photography
The concept of personal style is a fundamental topic in all art, not just photography. Everyone has their own way of seeing the world, and everything that people create is based upon this underlying uniqueness. In terms of photography, though, even mentioning personal style can seem strange — since our...
A Walk in the Woods
Well, Postcards From The Woods just didn’t seem appropriate. It’s not all foreign travel for Alpha Whiskey, though (well, mostly it is). Sometimes I’m happy to amble through the forest on a bright and breezy weekend afternoon. And while it was more about the walk than the photography I thought...
Why Sunrises are Better than Sunsets for Photography
Many photographers do not like waking up very early to take pictures at sunrise, preferring to sleep in and spend the energy to shoot during the day and at sunset instead. While photographing at sunset can yield stunning photographs, there are specific advantages to photographing at sunrise that are worth...
Four WINNING April Fool’s Day Photography Tips — You Won’t Believe #4
Happy April Fool’s Day! Each year, we try to write an article or two to remind people about the lighter side of photography. Last year, when we said that our entire team was switching over to Canon and refusing to review any other equipment, a solid number of people believed us....
Why the Technical Stuff Matters
Along with normal how-to articles and essays, I've always liked reading and writing very technical, nitty-gritty articles about photography — sometimes, articles on topics that rarely come up while actually taking pictures. In fact, I usually don't even use my own sharpest aperture charts in the field, as useful as they are, since I don't like carrying around charts. So,...
When People Downsize Their Camera Gear
This short article summarizes some of the feedback that I have received from seniors who have downsized their gear, or are thinking about doing so. The desire to downsize camera gear is not restricted to seniors! Some of the actions that seniors are taking may make sense for other photographers...