Essays and Inspiration Category Archive - Page 10

Behind the Shot: A Rainbow in Thorsmork

In today’s article, I’ve explained the entire process from start to finish behind one of my landscape photos. I tried to cover as much as possible – the story behind the photo, camera equipment, settings, refining the composition, post-processing, and so on. I hope you find it useful!

Get Creative During Lockdown

With much of the global human population currently on lockdown (at the time of writing) this may be the perfect opportunity to think about creative projects to try indoors. You know I’m going to talk about toys and I know that many of you don’t think it’s ‘real’ photography.

Photographing the Liwa Desert in Fog (+ New Video)

While in UAE during our Dubai and Jordan photography workshop, we had a chance to visit and photograph the stunning Liwa Desert. Little did we know that we would be lucky enough to witness a rare fog covering the entire desert. In this article, I will talk about my experience...

Pakistan You Never See

If you haven't heard the name 'Potohar' before, fret not - it’s not a place of any particular international repute. It just happens to accurately capture the boundaries - with one big exception - of the region of northeastern Pakistan that is the subject of this story. Surrounded by foothills...

Photographing the Vivid Sydney Festival

I suppose we all develop a unique attachment to the place where we were born, raised or have otherwise spent a significant portion of our lives. In my case, that’s Sydney, Australia. I’ve travelled extensively through the USA, Europe, the Caribbean and South East Asia. Along the way there have...

A Failed Landscape Photography Expedition

To be brutally honest - some plans are doomed to erupt in flames the moment they meet reality. That isn’t a surprise; the only twisted part is that we almost always know what’s about to happen, yet keep chugging along anyway. I found myself in that position last week while...

Your Favorite Piece of Camera Equipment

Imagine a cascading waterfall, or a sand dune in a storm. A bird hopping in the air; a person stepping into a crosswalk and out of the shade. For photographers, in moments like this, the best camera equipment is invisible. It doesn’t slow you down or require troubleshooting. After a...

Chasing Jumping Devil Rays in the Sea of Cortes

The sea of Cortes, in Baja California, Mexico, is known for its amazing marine wildlife spectacles, but among all those, one, in particular, is awe-inspiring. Every year, thousands and thousands of devil rays enter this sea in schools so large that the sea becomes black. In this article, I will...

Photographer Profile: Nguyen Vu Phuoc, Vietnam

When it comes to having passion for your profession, it’s hard to imagine any photographer with more of it than Vietnam’s Nguyen Vu Phuoc. With over a quarter century of experience in multiple genres – travel, fine art, drone, documentary, photojournalism, and advertising – he is widely regarded as one...