Wildlife photography is a fascinating and challenging field that requires technical skill, patience, and a deep understanding of wildlife. One of the most significant parts of this art form is to capture the behavior of animals in their natural habitat. By doing so, you can improve your photos and contribute...
Essays and Inspiration Category Archive
How to Beat Imposter Syndrome as a Photographer
Imposter syndrome is a common psychological phenomenon that causes people to doubt their abilities and feel fake, despite their successes and skills. It can profoundly impact a photographer’s journey and progress. Today, I’ll explore practical strategies to deal with impostor syndrome and improve your confidence as a photographer.
Double Rarity: A Strange Bird Doing a Strange Thing
Perhaps every nature photographer dreams of capturing some rarity in nature – be it a unique or rare animal or some seldom-seen behavior. Ideally, of course, both at once. I recently published an article that focuses on a rare color variation in birds. Today’s short post has something even more unusual.
Photographing Atmosphere in a Snowy Landscape
In landscape photography, we often look for spectacular and majestic subjects. Imposing mountains, breathtaking waterfalls, or lush forests are powerful and visually appealing. Even more so when shot under dramatic light. However, if you wish to obtain significant images, looking for atmospheres that resonate with our state of mind is...
The Art of Discovering the Unexpected
In photography, having a vision and a concrete plan is always helpful. But getting too attached to your initial ideas can prevent you from seeing good subjects in front of you, especially when they are entirely different from what you had in mind. Of course, having a plan when you...
Why You Should Experiment with Different Genres of Photography
Many of us have a “go-to” thing to photograph. Often, this subject or style is the reason we got into photography in the first place. For me, it is portraiture. I love the dynamic feeling of capturing a moment in time of a person’s life—whether it’s at a key event...
Structural Colors: The Art of Photographing Hummingbirds
Nature is full of color. However, color is not an unshakeable property of an object. Something's color will change depending on various factors, including the wavelengths of light that hits the object, the object's absorption and reflection of those wavelengths, and finally, our own eyes. In this article, I will...
“How Is AI Different From Autofocus?”
There was a time not long ago when I spent time on photography forums. I joined quite a few debates about artificial intelligence, and in these debates, some people compared new AI tools with other automated camera features. “How is AI any different from autofocus?” is a question I saw in various forms.
My Favorite Photos of 2024
The end of the year is fast approaching, and (partly inspired by Jason's article a couple of days ago) I figured it was a good time to reflect on my photography for the year. I decided to look back and pick my five favorite images from the year. When I...
Deep in the Atlantic Forest of São Paulo
When wildlife photographers think of Brazil, they might think of the Amazon or Pantanal. And although these biodiversity hotspots are full of amazing animals, they are not the only places in the country for wildlife photography. They can even be touristy and highly guided at times. If you want to...