The Nikon D7100 was announced on February 20, 2013, along with the Nikon WR-1 wireless remote controller. Although I shot with the D7100 for a few months, I specifically postponed writing about the camera, because I wanted to thoroughly test it and also make sure that I test at least...
Cameras and Lenses Category Archive - Page 83
Polaroid 180 Land Camera Review
At the beginning of 2012, I knew I wanted to buy a Polaroid camera. There is something so irresistibly fun about taking a photograph and having the print in front of you instantaneously. I considered several options but ultimately decided on the Polaroid 180 Land Camera with a 114mm Tominon...
Third Party Lens Manufacturers are On The Rise
I remember not that long ago there were two types of lenses. Brand lenses, those designed by known manufacturers for their own cameras, such as Canon, Nikon, Pentax and Olympus, and the cheapskate third party lenses you'd buy if you couldn't afford the first type. Brand lenses were more expensive,...
Nikon 50mm f/1.8G for Wedding Photography
As promised earlier, I am continuing my wedding photography gear series, and this time with the Nikon 50mm f/1.8G lens. As I noted in my Nikon 50mm f/1.8G review, Lola and I really love this lens for everyday and commercial photography. Because I was so impressed with the lens, I...
DX or FX for Sports and Wildlife Photography
It seems like the debate of DX vs FX for wildlife and sports photography is a never ending one. DX shooters argue that they get more reach, stating that DX is like a "built-in 1.5x teleconverter", or that DX setups are lighter due to smaller lenses and less expensive, or...
Could Compact Camera Systems Replace DSLRs?
"I'd rather have a DSLR for the money" - I've heard these words one too many times when talking about mirrorless cameras with beginner photographers. DSLR cameras have been the staple of image quality for a very long time now, and a sort of natural companion to any professional shooter....
Nikon D3200 Review
The Nikon D3200 is a subtle, yet important update over its predecessor. Sporting a high-resolution 24.2 MP DX-format CMOS sensor, full HD video recording capability and a lightweight camera body, the D3200 is a very capable DSLR camera for beginner photographers. Targeted at beginners and those upgrading from a point...
Nikon 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G vs 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D
In this article, I will compare the new Nikon 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR and its predecessor, the Nikon 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D VR. Since the lens has just been announced, I have not had the chance to use it and compare it with the older 80-400mm lens. I am planning to expand...
Nikon D7100 vs D600
Our last comparison will be to show the difference between the new Nikon D7100 and the full-frame Nikon D600, which we reviewed last year. Despite the price differences, seems like a lot of people are wondering which one of the two cameras to choose - the D7100, a cropped-sensor "DX"...
Nikon D7100 vs D300s
A lot of questions from our readers about differences between the D7100 and the D300s are rolling in, so I decided to do a separate article that compares the specifications of the two cameras. It has now been over three years since Nikon announced the D300s. Since then, both Nikon...