Camera Gear Accessories Category Archive

Tripods vs Monopods for Wildlife Photography

When you read the title of this article, you might have said to yourself "neither" - and I wouldn't blame you! After all, who wants to carry extra weight in the field? Modern image stabilization systems allow us to handhold the camera at shutter speeds that were once unthinkable. But...

A Do-It-Yourself CFexpress Type B Memory Card

Once considered an exotic choice, CFexpress Type B memory cards have become the gold standard in recent years. While they're still not as common as the mass-adopted SD cards, many high-end cameras now feature at least one CFexpress slot, including from Canon, Nikon, Leica, Fujifilm, and Hasselblad. The reason is...

Gitzo Adventury 45 L Backpack Review

When you hear the name of the Italian brand Gitzo, you probably think of high-end tripods. What’s less known is that Gitzo also has three backpacks in its portfolio. One is more urban-oriented, the Gitzo Légende. The other two are almost identical models apart from size (30L and 45L) and...

Where and How to Sell Used Camera Equipment

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your camera or switch systems altogether, getting the most value out of your used equipment can be tricky. I recently completed a pretty significant sale of gear, and actually ended up selling via each major method - used equipment retailers, online forums, eBay, and in-person...

Neutral Density Filters in Photography, Explained

As, photographers we often struggle with a lack of light, necessitating uncomfortably high ISOs or dangerously long shutter speeds. But there are occasions with the opposite problem: too much light. In these moments, neutral density filters are invaluable. What Are Neutral Density Filters? Neutral density (ND) filters are simply dark...

Adapting Lenses for Fun and Profit

It seems that once you’ve bought into a camera mount, you’re stuck there unless you switch systems. But, in the dark realm of photography, there’s a way to cross the mysterious border between lens mounts. That’s adapting lenses – in other words, taking a lens from one system and mounting it to another.

Dockcase Studio 8-in-1 Review: A Smart USB-C Hub

Photographers constantly have to copy photos from their memory cards. And in this day and age, there are four main card formats being used in new cameras: CFExpress A, CFExpress B, SD, and occasionally micro SD. The most common way to read these formats is through a card reader. Unfortunately...