Canon Lens Abbreviations

Different manufacturers use very different abbreviations to describe the technology used in their lenses even if the technology itself is quite similar. Some abbreviations can be difficult to understand and easily mixed up. We’ve already covered Nikon lens abbreviations. This article will help you understand Canon lens naming terminology.

1) Canon Lens Format Abbreviations

2) Canon Lens Class and Technology Abbreviations

3) Specialized Canon Lens Abbreviations

4) Lens Example

Now that we have all the relevant abbreviations taken care of, let’s analyze the name of an actual lens. How about the popular Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM?

Based on the lens name we can easily tell that this is an expensive and professional-grade optic (L designation). As a top-quality instrument, it also features an advanced optical formula for best possible performance, including ED and Fluorite glass elements (L). Weather sealing is a possibility with L lenses and is indeed present in this particular case. It is also designed with film and digital full-frame Canon EOS cameras in mind (EF). Naturally, it can be used on crop-sensor Canon DSLR cameras, too. The lens is optically stabilized – it features Canon’s Image Stabilizer technology (IS). This is also the second version of such a lens with a stabilizer (II). Autofocus is driven by Canon’s best motor. Full-time manual focus is available, while automatic focusing promises to be very snappy and quiet (USM).

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