Post Archive By Spencer Cox - Page 61

The Versatility of Prime Lenses

Zoom lenses are convenient, as everyone knows. I’d imagine that the vast majority of us started our photography with a simple 18-55 kit lens - I know I did, and I used it to take some of my favorite photos. However, it never seemed like a good fit for my...

Best Nikon Lenses for Landscape Photography (2024)

What are the best Nikon lenses for landscape photography? Nikon has made so many great lenses over the years that the answer isn't obvious! However, after extensively testing almost every Nikon lens both in the field and in the lab, I can confidently recommend each one of the lenses shown...

Photoshop vs Lightroom: What You Need to Know (2024)

Many beginners do not know the differences between Lightroom and Photoshop and have a hard time choosing which one to use. This article breaks down all the differences between these two software packages from Adobe, what they are used for, and what you can do in Photoshop that you cannot in Lightroom.