Post Archive By Spencer Cox - Page 26

Solving the Problems of Photography in Very Cold Temperatures

Cameras usually aren’t specced to shoot in very cold conditions. A small handful have a negative operating temperature (in Celsius at least), like the Nikon Z9 at -10° C / 14° F. Most others are rated for a pretty pedestrian 0° C / 32° F. But if you’re aware of the issues, you can work in temperatures colder than that.

Why Shoot Large Format Film in a Digital World?

For the past year or so, my main camera for landscape photography hasn’t been one of the newest high-resolution mirrorless cameras that I spend so much time writing about. Nor has it been an ol’ reliable DSLR. Instead, I’ve been using large format film, especially a 4×5 camera.

Living Within Your Dynamic Range

One of the quieter revolutions in digital image quality has been dynamic range. The days of picking between highlight detail and shadow detail are gone; almost any modern camera can capture both simultaneously with ease. But even though this capability is remarkable, it’s also easy to overuse.

Which Tamron Lenses Should Nikon Z Prioritize?

The recent, unexpected announcement of the Nikon Z 28-75mm f/2.8 – with identical optics as the Tamron G1 28-75mm f/2.8 – makes me wonder what’s next. Will Nikon and Tamron work together on any more Z-series lenses? If so, these are the lenses they should prioritize.

How to Take Better Photos of Trees and Forests

Trees and forests are deceptively difficult subjects to photograph. It seems that something is often lost in the process – maybe their scale, maybe their tranquility. Photos of a forest scene can easily turn into nonsensical jumbles even if the subject looks wonderful in person. How do you avoid that?

How to Make Your Tripod More Stable

Some of the most common advice in photography, especially for landscape and architectural work, is to use a tripod. But the story doesn’t end there. Even if you have a top-of-the-line tripod and head, bad tripod technique can result in some seriously blurry shots.

The Features That More Cameras Should Have

It’s easy to look at the impressive slate of cameras today and wonder what more they could possibly do. But there’s always room for improvement, which is why I’d like to go through some of the most useful features found on some – but not enough – cameras today.

What Is Composition? A Photographer’s Guide

I’m in the process of updating Photography Life’s full-length, multi-article tutorial about composition. This article is Chapter 2 of the guide, where I’m introducing and defining composition – including what makes some compositions succeed while others fail.