Today, Nikon announced its longest and perhaps most exciting Z-series lens to date with the 800mm f/6.3 VR S. Two things make this lens especially stand out: the unusually low weight of 2.4 kilos / 5.2 pounds, and the shocking price of $6500. It ships in April.
Post Archive By Spencer Cox - Page 25
Photographing Iceland in the Winter
I have two of the most gullible friends in the world. When I floated the questionable idea of visiting Iceland together for a week in February – using the line, I remember, “Iceland actually stays pretty warm because it’s on the ocean” – they agreed, with hardly any further persuasion needed.
Please Welcome Alex Coleman to the Photography Life Team!
I'm excited to introduce another new writer from our expanding team at Photography Life. Please give a warm welcome to Alex Coleman! Alex impressed us with his wide range of high-quality photos of a huge variety of subjects. You’ve seen his articles on night photography, real estate, and lenses - now...
Please Welcome Jason Polak to the Photography Life Team!
Today, we’d like you to offer a warm welcome to Photography Life’s newest writer, Jason Polak! Jason is a wildlife photographer and mathematician from Canada whose great articles and photos you’ve seen grace the homepage these past few weeks. Here’s a bit from Jason about his journey as a photographer.
What to Photograph When There’s Too Much to Photograph
Last year, I wrote an article about finding subjects to photograph when there isn’t anything obvious to shoot. That’s a common situation in photography: not enough good subjects. Sometimes, however, the opposite is true, where there’s an abundance of good subjects and not enough time to photograph them all.
New Video: Best Settings for Landscape Photography
I just published a new video on our YouTube channel! And wow, I’ve wanted to say that for a while. Last year, I took a break from making videos to help run Photography Life, and now I finally had time again. Today’s video covers the best camera settings for landscape photography.
Are the Megapixel Wars Really Over?
Today, Leica announced the M11, a 60-megapixel successor to the M10 and M10-P. The M11’s high resolution is a bit unexpected: It’s the highest resolution full-frame Leica ever. But this isn’t an article about the M11.
Solving the Problems of Photography in Very Cold Temperatures
Cameras usually aren’t specced to shoot in very cold conditions. A small handful have a negative operating temperature (in Celsius at least), like the Nikon Z9 at -10° C / 14° F. Most others are rated for a pretty pedestrian 0° C / 32° F. But if you’re aware of the issues, you can work in temperatures colder than that.
Why Shoot Large Format Film in a Digital World?
For the past year or so, my main camera for landscape photography hasn’t been one of the newest high-resolution mirrorless cameras that I spend so much time writing about. Nor has it been an ol’ reliable DSLR. Instead, I’ve been using large format film, especially a 4×5 camera.
Living Within Your Dynamic Range
One of the quieter revolutions in digital image quality has been dynamic range. The days of picking between highlight detail and shadow detail are gone; almost any modern camera can capture both simultaneously with ease. But even though this capability is remarkable, it’s also easy to overuse.