I have two of the most gullible friends in the world. When I floated the questionable idea of visiting Iceland together for a week in February – using the line, I remember, “Iceland actually stays pretty warm because it’s on the ocean” – they agreed, with hardly any further persuasion needed.
Post Archive By Spencer Cox - Page 25
Please Welcome Alex Coleman to the Photography Life Team!
I'm excited to introduce another new writer from our expanding team at Photography Life. Please give a warm welcome to Alex Coleman! Alex impressed us with his wide range of high-quality photos of a huge variety of subjects. You’ve seen his articles on night photography, real estate, and lenses - now...
Please Welcome Jason Polak to the Photography Life Team!
Today, we’d like you to offer a warm welcome to Photography Life’s newest writer, Jason Polak! Jason is a wildlife photographer and mathematician from Canada whose great articles and photos you’ve seen grace the homepage these past few weeks. Here’s a bit from Jason about his journey as a photographer.
What to Photograph When There’s Too Much to Photograph
Last year, I wrote an article about finding subjects to photograph when there isn’t anything obvious to shoot. That’s a common situation in photography: not enough good subjects. Sometimes, however, the opposite is true, where there’s an abundance of good subjects and not enough time to photograph them all.
New Video: Best Settings for Landscape Photography
I just published a new video on our YouTube channel! And wow, I’ve wanted to say that for a while. Last year, I took a break from making videos to help run Photography Life, and now I finally had time again. Today’s video covers the best camera settings for landscape photography.
Are the Megapixel Wars Really Over?
Today, Leica announced the M11, a 60-megapixel successor to the M10 and M10-P. The M11’s high resolution is a bit unexpected: It’s the highest resolution full-frame Leica ever. But this isn’t an article about the M11.
Solving the Problems of Photography in Very Cold Temperatures
Cameras usually aren’t specced to shoot in very cold conditions. A small handful have a negative operating temperature (in Celsius at least), like the Nikon Z9 at -10° C / 14° F. Most others are rated for a pretty pedestrian 0° C / 32° F. But if you’re aware of the issues, you can work in temperatures colder than that.
Why Shoot Large Format Film in a Digital World?
For the past year or so, my main camera for landscape photography hasn’t been one of the newest high-resolution mirrorless cameras that I spend so much time writing about. Nor has it been an ol’ reliable DSLR. Instead, I’ve been using large format film, especially a 4×5 camera.
Living Within Your Dynamic Range
One of the quieter revolutions in digital image quality has been dynamic range. The days of picking between highlight detail and shadow detail are gone; almost any modern camera can capture both simultaneously with ease. But even though this capability is remarkable, it’s also easy to overuse.
Which Tamron Lenses Should Nikon Z Prioritize?
The recent, unexpected announcement of the Nikon Z 28-75mm f/2.8 – with identical optics as the Tamron G1 28-75mm f/2.8 – makes me wonder what’s next. Will Nikon and Tamron work together on any more Z-series lenses? If so, these are the lenses they should prioritize.