My experience with shoulder bags has not exactly been great up to this point. As much as I liked the idea of carrying equipment in a shoulder bag, that convenience of quick access, I've not found one that would serve the part flawlessly before. There was always something not quite...
Post Archive By Romanas Naryškin
Gariz Leather Half-Case for Fujifilm X-E1/X-E2 Review
Let's be completely honest - other than style, leather half-cases for mirrorless cameras serve just about no purpose. It really is all about style - not protection, not ergonomic improvement, none of that. Any change in those areas is, more often than not, unintentional. A side effect. So, when talking...
ACDSee Pro 8 Review: Searching for Alternatives
It seems so long ago I opened an image on a computer for the first time. It was last century, in fact. And, as strange a thing this may be to remember, it is because opening that first image was the first thing I ever did with a computer (an...
The Perks of Switching Camera Systems
The choice of the first camera system is an exciting one. Why would it not be? You get to pick the first camera to buy, the first lens, and you spend so much time reading reviews, forums and asking friends for advice. I know I did - some eight years...
Exposure Stops in Photography – A Beginner’s Guide
There is so much duality in photography. On one hand, it's the light and the subject, it's the story we tell and the story the viewer sees, it's a feeling, an emotion, a state, a symbol, a metaphor. Sounds poetic, doesn't it? On the other hand, it's pure science, every...
Underexposure vs Overexposure – A Beginner’s Guide
In this article, we discuss the topic of underexposure and overexposure in photography, with image samples and other relevant information for beginners. Now, on one hand, there's not much to actually discuss - a simple explanation of the terms is what interests most beginner photographers. But here is my slightly-absurd-at-first-glance...
Saturation or Vibrance?
Just a few years ago, if you wanted more saturated colors in your landscapes or any other sort of photography, there was one basic adjustment to apply - saturation. Especially for beginner photographers, the Saturation slider in Photoshop was one of the most useful tricks to learn and seemed to...
High-Contrast B&W With Lightroom
A while ago, I wrote an article on low-contrast B&W conversions with Lightroom. After reading through some of the responses the article received, I was pleasantly surprised that so many of our readers actually prefer the low-contrast look over the ever-popular high-contrast conversions. That is not to say high-contrast B&W...
How to Work With The Groom
A lot of wedding photographers think their work is mostly for the bride, and I can see why. Usually, it's the bride who spends countless hours looking for the right person to capture the best day of her life, sometimes even years before the actual wedding. I've had men contact...
Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Review: Photography and Writing
Here I am, sitting at a cozy coffee house. Not just some coffee house, too, but a place where a lot of young people hang out - students, mostly. They come here for a cup of coffee much like people do at Starbucks overseas. Like me, they also come here...